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106th Street & I-69 Interchange

INDOT, with active support and financial partnership from the city of Fishers and Hamilton County, constructed a new interchange at 106th Street where it crosses over I-69, north of Indianapolis.

Fishers and Hamilton County collectively contributed up to $12 million toward construction of a two-lane, oval-shaped roundabout on 106th Street over I-69 and ramps to and from both directions of the interstate. The existing 106th Street bridge over I-69 was replaced with two separate two-lane bridges that will each carry one direction of traffic. The bridge carrying westbound traffic on the north side of 106th Street is designed to accommodate pedestrians. The project limits will extend between Crosspoint Boulevard and USA Parkway.

Walsh Construction was awarded a $21.7 million contract to build the new interchange.  Construction began in April 2016. The new roundabout interchange was opened to traffic in December 2016.

Purpose and Need

The purpose and need of the project was to increase safety and mobility along the congested I-69 corridor in Fishers:

  • Reduce congestion at the existing I-69 interchanges at 96th and 116th streets
  • Improve traffic safety and reduce crashes in the area
  • Provide direct access between I-69 and 106th Street to serve existing commercial and residential destinations and accommodate development and population growth in the area

Area Crash Summary

More than half of the crashes (58 percent) that occurred in the 96th Street and 116th Street interchange areas during 2010-12 were rear-end crashes. The next highest crash type was side-swipe crashes (17 percent). The high frequency of rear-end crashes along I-69 was likely due to high traffic volumes and congestion, with vehicles forced to make sudden stops. Side-swipe crashes are typically caused by improper lane changes that typically occur when vehicles are entering or exiting the interstate.

More than 75 percent of all crashes took place during dry, daylight conditions. Peak travel times are during the day, and high traffic volumes were likely the primary cause. More than 80 percent of rear-end crashes occurred during dry, daylight conditions, which shows congestion was likely to blame for the majority of these crashes.

Direct Access and Future Growth

Direct access at I-69 and 106th Street was needed to support the existing traffic volumes and the anticipated future growth of this section of Hamilton County. Prior to this project, motorists had used the interchanges at 96th and 116th streets, which experienced high congestion and are not easily expanded. Further expansion is cost prohibitive due to right-of-way impacts in these commercially developed areas.

Fishers has seen tremendous growth over the previous three decades and is currently the 8th most populated community in Indiana. U.S. Census data reports that Fishers had an approximate population of 2,000 in 1980, 7,200 in 1990, and 77,000 in 2010. Growth has been both residential and commercial in nature. The area near the proposed 106th Street interchange is currently experiencing development activity that is expected to create additional traffic.

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