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U.S. 231 south of South River Road

US 231 in Tippecanoe County Project Information

This $45.6 million Major Moves project will relocate US 231.  The US 231 Bypass will begin just north of the Wabash River and continue east of the Purdue University Airport, then northwest to State Road 26 near its intersection with Newman Road.  The bypass will connect with US 52 just west of McCormick Road.  Construction began in the spring of 2011.  The 5.3 miles of US 231 is scheduled to be open to traffic by the middle of September 2013.

Currently all the concrete pavement is done along the corridor.  Crews are working this year on asphalt shoulders and laying the asphalt for the pedestrian/bicycle paths.  Construction is taking place on the sidewalks along Airport Road, curb and gutters, plus working on the signalized intersections.  Those intersections where a traffic signal will be installed are South River Road, Jinske Drive, Airport Road, State Road 26, Lindberg Road and at US 52.  There is a lot of other miscellaneous work underway also.

Aerial Maps:

Your comments on the Project are appreciated

Aimee Bennett, INDOT Office of Public Involvement, (317) 234-4938

Media Contacts are directed to Deborah Calder.
Click here to send her an E-mail.

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