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Public Involvement

INDOT and the Federal Highway Administration (FHWA) recognize that the success of any transportation project depends on many factors, none of which are more essential than the involvement of the local elected and appointed officials and the public. Open communication lines between local officials, the public and the Project Management Team are a key component in developing a transportation plan that will best address the concerns of the community. The Project Management Team involved with this project consists of representatives of INDOT, FHWA and the consulting engineering firm of Parsons.

The public involvement process begins with the gathering of information from the local officials and community members that will live with the project upon its completion. The process continues by providing information to these same stakeholders and keeping them informed as to the progress and direction of the project. This exchange of information is a dynamic process that will continue throughout the life of the project. Goals of the Public Involvement Program include the following:

  • Identify potential project stakeholders such as local officials and community members impacted by the project
  • Develop partnering activities that assist with gathering information from stakeholders
  • Foster positive relationships with stakeholders and keep them informed of the project progress
  • Adequately evaluate potential levels of controversy to address specific concerns and develop context sensitive plans
  • Work together to develop a solution to a transportation problem that has broad public support
  • Provide productive forums for members of the public to provide comments

The U.S. 50 North Vernon Bypass Project includes an extensive Public Involvement Program. The purpose of this Public Involvement Program is to keep the local communities informed of the progress of the project and to continually seek input from members of the communities. This Public Involvement Program consists of a project web site, a series of public meetings, stakeholder meetings, Community Advisory Committee meetings, and Social Media, including Facebook and Twitter.

Public Meetings

Advertised public open houses were held at key points in the project's development. The purpose of these meetings was to provide the public with the most current project information available and to provide additional opportunities for public input at various key points (milestones) throughout the study process. Three such meetings were held throughout the development of the Environmental Assessment.

Stakeholder Meetings

Throughout the project, neighborhood associations, civic organizations, local officials, community and business groups and any other interested individuals were welcome to meet with members of the U.S. 50 Project Management Team to share information and ideas. To request such a meeting, contact one of the persons listed on the Contact INDOT web page.

Community Advisory Committee Meetings

Early in the development of this project, a Community Advisory Committee (CAC) was formed. The CAC established a method of communication that facilitated the distribution of information from the U.S. 50 Project Management Team to the public. The CAC also provided a central location from which the U.S. 50 Project Management Team could gather public input and feedback on possible solutions. The CAC consisted of approximately 50 members, representing a diverse cross section of the public, elected officials and appointed officials, and was a valuable source of information and direction to the U.S. 50 Project Management Team. As the project progressed, new members representing various groups were added to the CAC upon their request.

U.S. 50 Project Team

The Project Team associated with the U.S. 50 West project includes:

  • Jim Earl, Project Manager, INDOT
  • Steve Davidson, Project Manager, Parsons
  • Dan Prevost, Public Outreach Lead, Parsons

Representatives for Community Meetings

If your small group or organization would like a brief presentation or Q&A session about the U.S. 50 West project, please contact the public involvement team at or 317-616-1017.

Project Documents

INDOT held a public hearing on the U.S. 50 North Vernon Project Draft Environmental Assessment at the Jennings County Middle School on November 9, 2011. Materials presented at the hearing are available below.

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