Lucy is the Assistant Director of Strategic Workforce Planning. She joined IOT in April 2023 after working for the State Personnel Department for almost five years in talent acquisition and human resources roles. Her role consists of managing our Program Director for Employee Development, Maya Gomez, and our summer interns, Audrey Wallen and Elizabeth Conley. Additionally, she assists with managing the SEAL IT Program, including coaching our active State Earn and Learn Associates (SEALs). I like to describe my team as HR-adjacent as we work closely with HR on matters like; workforce planning; recruiting and hiring; learning and development; equity, inclusion, and opportunity (EIO); compensation; and employee engagement/agency culture. An average day for Lucy starts out with a short team meeting to share how they are feeling on a scale from 1-5 and what we’ve got going on for the day. The rest of the day usually consists of at least two or three more scheduled meetings, but some days they are pretty much back-to-back. You could expect at least one of these meetings to be a 1:1 with a SEAL Associate. She is also the main point-of-contact for the IOT onboarding and offboarding workflows. She also handles manager inquiries and requests for recruiting/hiring, compensation matters like JAQs, learning and development, and onboarding contractors. What's her favorite thing about her job? "My favorite thing about my job is my team. They care about me as a person and want me to succeed, which makes coming to work enjoyable and allows me to thrive. I love that I can make a positive impact on processes and procedures, while also developing IOT team members, either directly via coaching or indirectly by providing information in our reference guides and training programs. I also enjoy getting to work on the fun aspects of HR and don’t have to deal with not-so-fun things like discipline and employee relations." What does she hope to take away from her work at IOT? "I want to be known for making a positive impact on the agency’s culture and organization. I want to ensure I take advantage of the leadership experience I’ve been afforded in this role and further develop as a servant leader. I hope to be known for being authentic and having integrity. Thankfully, I have the epitome of a servant leader, Jon Rogers, leading our team to serve as an example for me. I am so thrilled to have this wonderful opportunity to make a difference at IOT." |