Adoption Matching Registry
Effective July 1, 2018, unless a form has been filed to prevent record availability, identifying adoption information is available to eligible individuals by registration with the Adoption Matching Registry. Due to a high volume of requests, the processing time is 36 weeks.
Indiana initiated an Adoption History Program in 1988 (IC 31-19-18) to allow for the release of medical, non-identifying and identifying information.
To request information from the Adoption History Program, related individuals may register with the Adoption Matching Registry. Individuals eligible for registration include adult adoptees, adoptive parents, birth parents, and birth siblings. Spouses and relatives of deceased adoptees or deceased birth parents may register with the appropriate proof of relationship. An individual must be 18 years or older to register. To receive adoption information, the individual seeking information must be at least 21 years old, and complete both forms, identifying and non-identifying.
A request may be submitted to obtain non-identifying information by completing and submitting Form 47897. A request may be submitted to obtain identifying information by completing and submitting Form 47896. Identifying information can be released to adult adoptees if a birth parent has not filed a contact preference form to keep the information confidential. Identifying information can be released to birth parents only when both the adult adoptee and the birth parent register. A birth parent, or parents, may restrict the release of identifying information by completing and submitting Form 56535.
Frequently Asked Questions
- What forms do I need to complete to get my original birth certificate and adoption records?
- Is there a fee ?
- Is there an ID requirement?
- Is there an age requirement?
- Are Indiana adoption records public?
- Can my records be restricted?
- Am I allowed to contact my birth parents if I received my original birth certificate?
Adoption Medical History Registry
The Indiana Adoption Medical History Registry was established in 1986 and is the central repository for the storage and release of medical information. The information available through the Registry depends on the finalized date of the adoption. To request a search for medical history information from the Medical History Registry, please complete and submit Form 47261, along with appropriate identification. The search costs $25.00.
Adoptions Filed After January 1, 1986:
All petitions filed after this date must include a Comprehensive Medical Report. This report reflects the health status and medical history of the adoptee and the adoptee’s birth parents but contains no identifying information.
Adoptions Filed Before January 1, 1986:
If the adoption occurred prior to this date, it is unlikely the Indiana Department of Health will be able to obtain a medical history. As such, one may consider registering with the Adoption History Program using Form 13342. However, adoptions that occurred prior to this date may have medical information submitted by the biological parents or pre-adoptee sibling. Many register with the Adoption History Program and submit medical information.
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