- What is a paternity affidavit?
A paternity affidavit is an agreement that can be signed to add the father to the birth record and give the child an agreed upon surname.
- When and where can paternity be established?
Paternity can be established at the birthing facility within 72 hours of the birth, at the local health department before the child becomes an adult or with a court order.
- Who is eligible to request an amendment or correction to a birth record?
Parent(s) up until the child reaches adult age, the child if emancipated or the child once they become an adult.
- What can be amended/corrected on a birth record?
Child’s first, middle and last names, parents’ names and places of birth, date of birth, etc.
- How can an error be corrected or amended on a birth record?
Depending on the error, some errors be corrected with certain documents that are ten years old or more, i.e., application for marriage license, hospital birth record, Military DD 214, etc. or a court order.
Documentary Evidence to Amend/Correct an Indiana Birth Record
- How can an error be corrected or amended on a death record>
To correct an error on a death certificate, contact the funeral director, physician or coroner who filed the original certificate.
- What is needed to change the sex on a birth record?
A court order is needed for a legal sex change.
- What is needed to change the first, middle and or last name on a birth record?
A court order is needed for a legal name change.