Specimen Collection
Most of the specimens submitted to ISDT are collected using ISDT's toxicological blood evidence collection kits, which are specifically designed to provide specimen protection and chain of custody. If an ISDT kit is not used, blood should be collected using glass gray top vacuum tubes. ISDT will accept blood, plasma, and serum specimens not collected in ISDT kits or gray top tubes, including specimens drawn for the purpose of medical treatment.
See Toxicology Analysis Request Instructions and Form for more details.
Specimen Submission
For the ISDT Laboratory Customer Agreement, see Policies.
Evidence Submission Guidelines
Every submission of evidence to ISDT for analysis must include a completed Toxicology Analysis Request Form. Blood tube labels should be legible and completed. Once labeled, tubes should be placed in an ISDT kit or, if a kit is not used, in packaging such as a plastic bag. The packaging should be sealed, initialed, and placed in a protective container to prevent breakage and tampering, such as a box, which should then be sealed for transport.
Agencies may deliver specimens to the ISDT drop box in the receiving area of the loading dock at the Forensic and Health Sciences Laboratories, 550 West 16th Street, Indianapolis, IN between the hours of 8:00 a.m. and 4:30 p.m., Monday through Friday (except for state holidays). The ISDT drop box is for submission of ISDT evidence ONLY.
A date/time stamp is available at the drop box site for recording delivery of the evidence on the submitting agency's chain of custody. ISDT will begin a chain of custody documenting receipt of the evidence from the drop box or by mail and will continue the chain of custody while the evidence remains in its custody.
Agencies may mail specimens to the Indiana State Department of Toxicology, Suite A, 550 West 16th Street, Indianapolis, IN 46202. A traceable mail service is preferred.