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Christopher Goff, Chair
Indiana Supreme Court

Christopher Biehn
Chief Administrative Officer's designee
Office of Judicial Administration

Troy Hatfield
Probation Officers Professional Association of Indiana

Scott Hohl
Indiana Association of Community Corrections Act Counties

Daniel Mawhorr
Indiana Sheriffs' Association

Bernice Corley
Executive Director
Indiana Public Defender Council

Christine Blessinger
Commissioner's designee
Indiana Department of Correction

Jay Chaudhary
Division of Mental Health and Addiction

Devon McDonald
Executive Director
Indiana Criminal Justice Institute

Chris Naylor
Executive Director
Indiana Prosecuting Attorneys Council

Daniel Glass
Budget Director's designee
Indiana State Budget Agency

David Bottorff
Executive Director
Association of Indiana Counties

Mark Spitzer
President's designee
Indiana Judges Association

Derrick Mason
Chair's designee
Indiana Public Defender Commission

Aaron Freeman
Senate Corrections and Criminal Law Committee

Rodney Pol
Ranking Minority Member
Senate Corrections and Criminal Law Committee

Wendy McNamara
House Courts and Criminal Code Committee

Mitch Gore
Ranking Minority Member
House Courts and Criminal Code Committee

Douglas Huntsinger
Governor's designee

Zoe Frantz
President and Chief Executive Officer
Indiana Council of Community Mental Health Centers

Steve McCaffrey
President and Chief Executive Officer
Mental Health America of Indiana