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James R Slack

James R. Slack Papers
1 mss. box
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Reprocessed by: Barbara Hilderbrand, January 2007

Biographical Note:

James R. Slack was born September 28, 1818 in Buck County, Pennsylvania. He attended an Academy at Newton, Pennsylvania where he studied law and was admitted to the bar in 1840. He married Ann P. Thomson and they had four children. He was the Huntington County, Indiana Auditor 1842-1851, a member of the Indiana State Senate 1851-52, 1859, and 1861. He joined the 47th Regiment Indiana Volunteers where he served as brigadier General 1861-65 and was brevet Major General 1865-66. He served as Judge of the Huntington County Circuit Court 1873-1881 and ran unsuccessfully for the U.S. House of Representatives in 1854 and 1880. James R. Slack died July 28, 1881 in Chicago, Illinois.


Rebecca A. Shepherd ... [et al.], eds. A Biographical directory of the Indiana General Assembly v. 1. Indianapolis: Select Committee on the Centennial History of the Indiana.

Scope and Content Note:

This collection contains Slack’s correspondence to his wife Ann in Huntington, Indiana during the Civil War. Also included is his diary, written during the siege of Mobile, Alabama from March to May 1865; and other family correspondence and business papers.

Item Listing:

Box 1, Folder 1.  Biography and Correspondence 1837-February 2, 1862

undated                 Biographical Sketch of James R. Slack
1837 Aug. 1 Certificate of land grant to Henry Augustus Messenger of Wabash County Indiana issued by US Land Office
1846 June 9 Receipt for certificates for tax titles for town lots in Huntington 
1848 Oct. 14 Wedding Invitation
1861 June 14 To J.R. Slack from F W Sawyer in Evansville, Indiana regarding a summons to attend a trial in Indianapolis 
                                Describes sentiment in Evansville concerning bombardment of Ft. Sumter and dissolution of Union Speaks of suspension 
                                of boat traffic on river, and shooting of boats Mentions 11th Indiana Regiment
1861 Nov. 20 To Col James R Slack from George W Favorite of Huntington IN  payment of claim and request for position
1861 Nov. 20 To Col James R. Slack from L Noble, orders to report
1861 Dec. 3 To Slack from T. R. McCarty of Wabash, IN  Collection for Colors
1861 Dec. 11 Slack, James R. to Ann Slack, Camp Sullivan, Indianapolis, orders to go to Louisville and probability of going south from 
                                there, describes feelings toward the war
1861 Dec. 15 Slack, James R. to Ann Slack, Camp Slack south of Louisville describes trip from Indianapolis and provisions at camp
1861 Dec. 21 Slack, James R. to Ann Slack, Camp Wickliffe, Bardstown, KY describes trip from Camp Slack to Camp Wickliffe. 
                                Mentions food and some entertainment Speaks of camping on Governor Wickliffe's farm, and having tea at Governor's house
1861 Dec. 23 Slack, James R. to Ann Slack, Camp Wickliffe  Food ammunition and pay
1861 Dec. 27 Slack, James R. to Ann Slack, Camp Wickliffe describing camp life and giving schedule and duties describes Christmas 
                                Day health of regiment and deaths suspected of being caused by foul play. Mentions regimental flag presented by ladies of 
                                Wabash County
1862 Jan. 3 Slack, James R. to Ann Slack, Camp Morton, Bardstown, KY Plans for presentation of flag in church service, move to 
                                Camp Morton, mentions General Wood and number of troops, describes quarters.
1862 Jan. 13 Slack, James R. to Ann Slack Camp Wickliffe, KY Daily schedule and kinds of rifles, describes brigade
1862 Jan. 15 Slack, James R. to Ann Slack, Camp Wickliffe 10 miles south of New Haven, meals, weather and case of smallpox
1862 Jan. 17 Slack, James R. to Ann Slack, Camp Wickliffe has 2 day pass to Louisville and gives instructions for Ann to meet him there
1862 Feb. 3 Slack, James R. to Ann Slack, Camp Wickliffe, illness in camp
1862 Feb. 6 Slack, James R. to Ann Slack, Camp Wickliffe, attitude toward war
1862 Feb. 9 Slack, James R. to Ann Slack, Camp Wickliffe, may be ordered back to Louisville
1862 Feb. 12 Slack, James R. to Ann Slack, Camp Wickliffe, Camp morale, feeling cut off from home is the worst feeling, illness in camp, 
                                34th Regiment has even more illness
1862 Feb. 13 Slack, James R. to Ann Slack, Camp Wickliffe we have been here too long and boredom causes discontent. Thinks the war 
                                will be over in two months
1862 Feb. 18 Slack, James R. to Ann Slack, In camp at mouth of Salt River on the Ohio, trip from Camp Wickliffe and plans for trip by boat
1862 Feb. 21 Slack, James R. to Ann Slack, On board steamer, Glendale nearing Paducah, KY. Describes trip and mentions victory at 
                                Ft Donnelson. Gives instructions for planting and plowing crops and taking care of farm
1862 Feb. 22 Slack, James R. to Ann Slack, On board steamer, mentions gunboats near Cairo Five or six ladies came down on Silver 
                                Moon to help nurse the wounded and sick
1862 Feb. 25 Slack, James R. to Ann Slack, From Benton, Scott Co., MO, trip from Cairo. IL to Commerce, MO by boat and to Benton 
                                by land. Describes duties and mentions Generals Palmer and Pope
1862 Feb. 28 Slack, James R. to Ann Slack, describes life of commanding general. 

Box 1, Folder 2. Correspondence Mar. 1, 1862-June 9, 1862

1862 Mar. 1 Slack, James R. to Ann Slack, Benton. MO, prospective trip to Sykeston and New Madrid
1862 Mar. 4 Slack, James R. to Ann Slack, Camp near New Madrid. MO, trip from Benton to New Madrid Mention being fired upon and 
                                burning part of New Madrid
1862 Mar. 12 Letter to Miss Pink Willis from D.A Turren at Fort Thompson, New Madrid, skirmishes with Yankees number of troops on 
                                both sides’ guns. and men lost Speaks' of "Lincolnites" (Letter captured at Fort Thompson)
1862 Mar. 15 Slack, James R. to Ann Slack, Camp near New Madrid, describes capture of Fort Thompson. Speaks of commanding 
                                Brigade consisting of the 34th and 47th Regiments. Describes trophies he is sending.
1862 Mar. 16 Slack, James R. to Miss M. C. Oliver from at camp near New Madrid on Secesh stationery captured from Colonel's 
                                quarters at Fort Thompson describing enemy shelling. Speaks of captured love letters and flag
1862 Mar. 19 Slack, James R. to Ann Slack, Camp near Riddles Point, MO, describing march to Pt. Pleasant shelling by enemy and move 
                                to Riddles Point. Also, battle with gunboats Mentions flag from ladies of Huntington. Mentions 43rd Regiment
1862 Mar. 26 Slack, James R. to Ann Slack, Camp off Riddles Point, accidental death of father and two small boys, instructions for taking 
                                care of grape vines and goose berries and other farm duties, mentions road tax
1862 Mar. 28 Slack, James R. to Miss Sallie Slack,  Camp Riddles Point, playing of band gives names of pieces played, describes area 
                                Mentions that they have no boats to cross river
1862 Apr. 3 Slack, James R. to Ann Slack, Riddles Point,  hope of coming home in June Gives instructions for gardening and taking 
                                care of fruit trees.
1862 Apr. 5 Slack, James R. to Ann Slack, Riddle’s Point, hitting rebel boat Mentions Judge Wallace and pay. Discusses regular army 
                                officers and West Point Gives gardening instructions Mentions gunboat. Carondolet running blockade and other activities
1862 Apr. 8 Slack, James R. to Ann Slack, Riddles Point, instructions for orchard and berries, troop movements into Tennessee and 
                                speculation on capture of Memphis and end of war
1862 Apr. 9 Slack, James R. to Ann Slack, Riddles Point, number of prisoners and supplies taken
1862 Apr. 12 Slack, James R. to Ann Slack, Riddles Point, gives value of rebel property taken Describes meeting with Confederate 
                                officers onboard steamer, John Walsh regarding exchange of prisoners
1862 Apr. 17 Slack, James R. to Ann Slack, Tiptonville, TN, in command, collecting rebel property
1862 May 18 Slack, James R. to Ann Slack, Tiptonville, TN, impending move, fee received for judgments obtained in Jay County, IN, 
                                court against J.C. Maddox.
1862 May 22 Slack, James R. to Ann Slack, Onboard steamer at Graham near Fort Pillow. Mississippi, trip from Tiptonville, meeting 
                                with Navy fleet commander and description of fleet. Discusses prospects of capturing Ft. Pillow
1862 May 30 From S. B. Bright at Trenton to cousin, describes feelings of Southerners
1862 June 10 Slack, James R. to Ann Slack, Tiptonville, TN, orders to go to Memphis and see that railroad is repaired
1862 June 16 Slack, James R. to Ann Slack, Memphis TN, describes march into Memphis order forbidding use of confederate currency 
                                Describes Memphis and problems governing it
1862 June 22 Slack, James R. to Ann Slack, Memphis, describes work as military governor of Memphis
1862 June 29 Slack, James R. to Ann Slack, Memphis, mentions General Grant and change in command at Memphis, describes Memphis 
                                as hotbed of treason in the Southwest

Box 1, Folder 3.  Correspondence July 1, 1862-Dec. 31, 1862

1862 July 1 Slack, James R. to Ann Slack, Memphis, food and prices.
1862 July 4 Slack, James R. to Ann Slack, Memphis, Fourth of July celebration Describes movement of regiment Gives instructions 
                                for grafting trees
1862 July 6 Slack, James R. to Ann Slack, Memphis, Describes Memphis and incident concerning "secesh" flag Mentions sending 
                                home barrels of sugar.
1862 July 8 Slack, James R. to Ann Slack, Memphis, describing clothes he needs
1862 July 13 Slack, James R. to Ann Slack, Memphis, use of Negroes to build fortifications for the city
1862 July 15 Slack, James R. to Ann Slack, Memphis, weather and souvenirs General Lawman relieved of command. Enemy is 
1862 July 22 Slack, James R. to Ann Slack, Memphis, impending move to Helena Arkansas and list of souvenirs sent home
1862 July 25 Slack, James R. to Ann Slack, From Helena Phillips County Arkansas Trip to Helena on boat John Perry, rescue of man 
                                overboard, and describes camp area and cotton field. Speaks of future moves and plans for destroying plantations
1862 July 27 Slack, James R. to Ann Slack, Helena Mentions 8th and other Indiana Regiments
1862 Sept. 2 Slack, James R. to Ann Slack, Camp below Helena, illness and trip to Memphis
1862 Sept. 7 Slack, James R. to Ann Slack, Helena, terrible dust, blow by rebels at Cincinnati and Louisville, illness and deaths.
1862 Sept. 9 Slack, James R. to Ann Slack, Helena, discusses course of the war, and Jacob Thompson, former Secretary of the 
                                Interior. Depressed by success of southern army and mentions fortifications at Helena
1862 Sept. 11 Slack, James R. to Ann Slack, Helena, parties claiming exemption from military service in Huntington County IN Health 
                                of regiment not too good. Feels war should have been over Campaigns in East conducted by stupidity, perhaps treason
                                in some of the commanding officers.
1862 Sept. 14 Slack, James R. to Ann Slack, camp below Helena Possible impending attack fortifications, and General Pope
1862 Sept. 15 Slack, James R. to Ann Slack, camp at Helena, expedition to Yazoo River, opinion of West Point and regular army. 
                                Thinks Regular army officers are more interested in making money than in winning war Cites West Point Officers especially.
1862 Sept. 21 Slack, James R. to Ann Slack, Helena, number of sick, news more encouraging from the east
1862 Sept. 23 Slack, James R. to Ann Slack, Helena, change of regiment into another Division General McClellan and burning of 
                                Prentiss Speaks of illness in and around Huntington.
1862 Sept. 27 Slack, James R. to Ann Slack, Helena, preparing to move
1862 Oct. 7 Slack, James R. to Ann Slack, Helena, troop movement
1862 Oct. 11 Slack, James R. to Ann Slack, Helena, living quarters and fortifications Wife's ill health 
1862 Oct. 13 Slack, James R. to Ann Slack, Helena, new quarters
1862 Oct. 16 Slack, James R. to Ann Slack, Helena, fortifications and new living quarters 
1862 Oct. 17 Slack, James R. to Ann Slack, Helena, supplies
1862 Oct. 28 Slack, James R. to Ann Slack, Post Headquarters, Helena (on army stationery) suggests remedies for ague, speaks of 
                                troop movements, christening of fort, and Dr. Mills
1862 Oct. 31 Slack, James R. to Ann Slack, Helena, speaks of Ann coming to see him
1862 Dec. 30 Slack, James R. to Ann Slack, Helena, clothes and costs, impending troop movement Mentions guerrillas and number 
                                of prisoners taken, speaks of superiority of Indiana troops, gives instructions for planting magnolia trees and planting 
                                garden Mentions baking potato pies
1862 Dec. 31 Slack, James R. to Ann Slack, Helena, discusses Vicksburg 

Box 1, Folder 4. Correspondence Jan. 2 1863-Mar. 28, 1863

1863 Jan. 2 Slack, James R. to Ann Slack, Helena,  Battle of Vicksburg number of losses capture of steamer Blue Wing, includes 
                                clipping from New York Herald describing action of guerrillas and retaliation by Indiana 47th and 11th Regiments 
                                commanded by Col. Slack.
1863 Jan. 8 Slack, James R. to Ann Slack, Helena, President's proclamation and opinion it will have on Kentucky and Tennessee, 
                                discusses articles in Huntington Democrat and editors of it.
1863 Jan. 10 Slack, James R. to Ann Slack, Helena,  order to move down river to get below Vicksburg Speaks of attitude toward war 
                                by people at home
1863 Jan. 11 Slack, James R. to Ann Slack, onboard Steamer near Florence, on Mississippi River, embarking of fleet with 43rd and 
                                46th Indiana Regiments included Describes religious service by chaplain an names of hymns sung. Mentions movements, 
                                capture of two points of the White River, as well as arms, ammunition and soldiers.
1863 Jan. 22 Slack, James R. to Ann Slack, Helena, Movement of fleet and return value of real estate in Indiana. , county taxes, and orders.
1863 Jan. 25 Slack, James R. to Ann Slack, Helena,  Probability of General Gorman being relieved of command Describes expeditions 
                                up White River.
1863 Jan. 27 Slack, James R. to Ann Slack, Helena, Ark General Grant is here
1863 Jan. 29 Slack, James R. to Ann Slack, Helena, Ark. arrival of General Grant. Also, mentions General Washburn giving him 
                                information on future attack on Vicksburg and plan to change channel of river and leave Vicksburg without water. 
1863 Feb. 1 Slack, James R. to Ann Slack, Helena, changing of river channel and effect on men working on it, wading in river proves 
                                fatal to 100 men on levy and building of corduroy road, discusses Shank's nomination as Brigadier by "Father Abraham" 
                                and gives instructions for garden
1863 Feb. 2 Slack, James R. to Ann Slack, Helena, drawing up of an address to the Democracy of Indiana by General Hovey and signed 
                                by Colonels McGinnis. Spicer, McLain and Slack and mentions Dr. Mills’s illness.
1863 Feb. 5 Slack, James R. to Ann Slack, Helena, corduroy road from Fort to river and formation of Negro regiment, two gunboats 
                                ran the blockade and are below Vicksburg and will help matters there. Has written Governor Morton about his resignation 
                                Saw a man deliberately shoot a Negro for not wanting to work
1863 Feb. 7 Slack, James R. to Ann Slack, Helena, Dr. Mills's condition, running of blockade at Vicksburg, and shooting accident 
                                involving Negroes
1863 Feb. 8 Slack, James R. to Ann Slack, Helena, Dr. Mills is dying suggests she tell Mrs. Mills
1863 Feb. 9 Slack, James R. to Ann Slack, Helena, Death of Dr. Mills and shipment of body home Speaks of movement of 47th 
                                Regiment into the Yazoo pass
1863 Feb. 16 Slack, James R. to Ann Slack, Helena, visitors from Indiana complaints about the conduct of war by people at home 
1863 Feb. 19 Slack, James R. to Ann Slack, Helena, Instructions for payment of accounts, forces at Vicksburg are alarmed at their 
                                situation. All supplies have been cut off from South and West. Thinks rebels will evacuate
1863 Feb. 21 Slack, James R. to Ann Slack, Helena, difficulties due to falling of river parole of prisoners taken at Commerce, plans for 
                                moving down to Vicksburg by way of Yazoo River. Includes note from foot of President's Island, five miles from Memphis.
1863 Feb. 28 Slack, James R. to Ann Slack, Yazoo Pass eight miles from Coldwater, describes General Alcorn's plantation and house,
                                Expedition is hazardous
1863 Mar. 15 Slack, James R. to Ann Slack, Steamer Moderator, Tallahatchie River Mississippi Regiment’s reconnaissance, new 
                                conscription bill, and slanders at home
1863 Mar. 21 Slack, James R. to Ann Slack, Steamer Moderator Tallahatchie River, troop movements feelings towards “slanderers" at 
                                home, mentions seeing papers which abuse him
1863 Mar. 26 Slack, James R. to Ann Slack, Tallahatchie River on the Curtis Farm camping ground, Capture by the 46th (Indiana) 
                                Regiment of “secesh”
1863 Mar. 28 Slack, James R. to Ann Slack, Tallahatchie River, describes army hospital as pestilential place preparations for attack 
                                foraging trip of 47th regiment captured members of guerrilla band
1863 Mar. 28 To Sallie from Tallahatchie River sinking of boat and loss of tent. 
1863 Mar. 28 Slack, James R. to Ann Slack, storm and loss of Indiana men by tree falling 

Box 1, Folder 5. Correspondence Apr. 14, 1863-June 1863

1863 Apr. 14 Slack, James R. to Ann Slack, Milliken's Bend, LA, orders to go to Carthage Mentions 8th Indiana and describes 
                                surrounding country. Gives instructions concerning purchase and sale of land in Indiana and estimates price per acre.
1863 Apr. 16 Slack, James R. to Ann Slack, Milliken's Bend, LA, preparations for trip and naming food to be carried in haversack
1863 Apr. 17 Slack, James R. to Ann Slack, Madison Parish, LA nine miles south of Richmond, Describes Richmond and surrounding 
                                area.  Names songs band is playing Mentions 8th Indiana Regiment
1863 Apr. 18 Slack, James R. to Ann Slack, Dawson’s Plantation, LA,  gunboats and transports running blockade at Vicksburg
1863 Apr. 20 Slack, James R. to Ann Slack, Madison Parish, LA, trip up Tallahatchie River 100 miles and instructions for garden and 
                                grafting trees Mentions fire in direction of Vicksburg
1863 Apr. 23 Slack, James R. to Ann Slack, Noulen's Plantation Madison Parish, LA, trip and destruction of furnishings of mansions, 
                                sinking of transport Tigress troop movements swimming of Cavalry horses over the Bayou.
1863 May 5 Slack, James R. to Ann Slack, Willow Spring, Mississippi, trip and fighting at Hard Times march to Port Gibson, 
                                describes battle.
1863 May 11 Slack, James R. to Ann Slack, Five Mile Creek, Mississippi, In the field describes country battle of Port Gibson.
1863 May 12 Slack, James R. to Ann Slack, Camp at Baker's Creek, Mississippi, fighting, feeling of Mississippi residents about the war, 
                                food, illness, skirmishes sacking of plantation houses, and troop movements,
1863 May 16 Slack, James R. to Ann Slack,  Bolton, Mississippi,  move via railroad to Clinton and Bolton, a battle, number lost, names 
                                Huntington boys killed and wounded, describes battle field, mentions rebel losses, mentions battle that took place on 
                                Champion Field.
1863 May 20 Slack, James R. to Ann Slack, West side of Black River 14 miles east of Vicksburg, losses in battle of 16th Speaks of 
                                Col. Fitch troop movements number of prisoners
1863 May 25 Slack, James R. to Ann Slack, directly in rear of Vicksburg, Miss.  Describing fighting and siege Vicksburg completely 
                                shut off will have to surrender when food runs out Mentions inaccuracy of newspaper accounts of battle east of Vicksburg
1863 May 28 Slack, James R. to Ann Slack, in camp rear of Vicksburg, describes fighting trenches truce. and exchange between rebel 
                                and federal soldiers
1863 June 3 Slack, James R. to Ann Slack, Rear of Vicksburg, illness in camp, fighting, siege, rebel deserters and surrounding area. 
                                Gives instructions on planting magnolia tree and other farm duties food, sale of farm land and price (in Indiana) Mentions 
                                arrival of boat from Evansville Indiana with 40 surgeons and several ladies for nurses Mentions Spicer and profits he is 
                                making Speaks of his and General Hovey's official reports to be published
1863 June 6 Slack, James R. to Ann Slack, Rear of Vicksburg, description of righting predictions for fall of Vicksburg mentions 
                                General Grant, glad she did not come for a visit
1863 June 11 Slack, James R. to Ann Slack, Rear of Vicksburg, information from rebel deserter about short supply of food, speculation 
                                on moves of Confederate troops to aid Vicksburg Mining operations have two forts undermined, describes living quarters. 
                                Mentions General McClerand and recommendation for promotion. Also mentions firing of cannons
1863 June 13 Slack, James R. to Ann Slack, Rear of Vicksburg, rifles and artillery firing mining of enemy forts, describes sound of battle, 
                                indifference felt, number of men in federal force, and rebel deserter reports about amount of provisions.
1863 June 15 Slack, James R. to Ann Slack, Rear of Vicksburg, fighting, exchange of newspapers between a rebel and a federal 
                                discusses article in Vicksburg newspaper. Gives advice on cutting hay and making currant wine
1863 June 19 Slack, James R. to Ann Slack, Rear of Vicksburg, remedy for ague deserters' reports of starving in Vicksburg rifle pits, and 
                                earth works and advice about the children
1863 June 21 Slack, James R. to Ann Slack, Rear of Vicksburg,  Bombardment, speculations on how long Vicksburg will hold out and 
                                on action by General Grant, petition to the President signed by General Hovey and others for his appointment as Brigadier. 
                                Mentions digging up to rebel fortifications
1863 June 27 Slack, James R. to Ann Slack, Rear of Vicksburg, showing pencil drawing of Head Quarters of 2nd Brigade 12th Division 
                                13th Army Corps. Gives explanation of drawing, describes General Logan’s blowing up one of principal rebel fortifications 
                                 losses hopes for taking Vicksburg by July 4th
1863 June  Orders issued by Brigadier General Alfred Mouton to shoot "Bands of outlaws deserters, conscripts and stragglers.”

Box 1, Folder 6.  Correspondence July 3, 1863-Nov. 24, 1863

1863 July 3 Slack, James R. to Ann Slack, Rear of Vicksburg, flag of truce, proposition of terms of surrender and fight. Grant will accept 
                                only unconditional surrender
1863 July 11 Slack, James R. to Ann Slack, near Jackson, Mississippi, fighting south of Jackson triumphant march into Vicksburg, 
                                estimate of enemy force at Jackson. Mentions 12th Division is known as the "Iron Clad”. Gives number of prisoners taken at 
                                Vicksburg and arms Mentions cases of "sunstroke" and actions of guerrillas
1863 July 13 Slack, James R. to Ann Slack, Camp near Jackson, Mississippi, Advancement of troops, fighting, description of movement 
                                of line of battle, a rebel ambush and drawing of headquarters in the rear of Vicksburg
1863 July 15 Slack, James R. to Ann Slack, Jackson, describes fighting, General Lawman relieved of command, mentions hot weather, 
                                Enemy is re-enforcing
1863 July 16 Slack, James R. to Ann Slack, near Jackson, Siege of Jackson building of fortifications poor living conditions, has Charlie 
                                to cook for him misses Negro woman he had at Vicksburg
1863 July 25 Slack, James R. to Ann Slack, Vicksburg Describing battle at Jackson, mentions Companies A and F of the Indiana 46th, 
                                siege fleeing of rebels, move into town, burning and sacking of Jackson destruction of railroad track, bridges and culverts
1863 Aug. 1 Slack, James R. to Ann Slack, Vicksburg, plans to move to Natchez by boat, promise of leave from General Ord, describes 
                                climate, fruits, and vegetables available, explains difference between paroling and taking of prisoners, mentions dry weather 
                                in Indiana.
1863 Aug. 4 Slack, James R. to Ann Slack, Natchez, Mississippi, describing country around Natchez and city, food living conditions, 
                                Negro camp, gang of rebels under General Logan, wants her to come to New Orleans
1863 Aug. 8 Slack, James R. to Ann Slack, Natchez, increasing number of Negroes will be moved across the river and protected, asks 
                                her to come down and mentions clothes she should wear things he wants her to bring, speaks of health of men and climate, 
                                mentions General Lee and letters from Governor Morton’s secretaries concerning application to President for his promotion.
1863 Aug. 10 Slack, James R. to Ann Slack, Natchez, orders to leave, speaks of act incorporating Huntington (IN) and structure of 
1863 Aug. 16 Slack, James R. to Ann Slack, Carrollton, La, Describes Carrollton and New Orleans attitude of confederates toward the 
                                North and the draft Mentions purchase of clothes and price of each
1863 Aug. 21 Slack, James R. to Ann Slack, Greenville, Jefferson Parish LA,  Rebel prisoner speaking of dissension in the North produced 
                                by Democratic Party, and conscription Act, plans for move to Mobile Mentions regret at going out of Grant s department and 
                                conflict between factions of Northern Army
1863 Aug. 30 Slack, James R. to Ann Slack, Greenville, LA, photographs, impending move to Galveston, Texas, hanging of Union men in 
                                Texas, Negro soldiers, souvenirs sent home. Mentions schools at South Bend and Crawfordsville for son, Jimmy.
1863 Sept. 8 Slack, James R. to Ann Slack, Greenville, LA,  attitude of France and occupation of Mexico by French troops General Grant 
                                badly injured by being thrown from his horse
1863 Sept. 12 Slack, James R. to Ann Slack, Greenville, orders to move to Sabine City by way of Algiers and Brashier City, then to 
                                Galveston, Texas food will be a problem as meat spoils quickly
1863 Sept. 13 Slack, James R. to Ann Slack, Algiers, LA, troop movements, condition of men difference in mileage between wagon road 
                                and direct distance to Brashear, food, bathhouse. mosquitoes, alligators Mentions outrages committed by Texans on Union 
                                men and probability of retaliation
1863 Sept. 16 Slack, James R. to Ann Slack, Brashear City LA, trip from New Orleans to Brashear City, camp at Berwick Bay fish living 
                                conditions location of rebels and Spanish moss and sugar cane
1863 Sept. 20 Slack, James R. to Ann Slack, Brashear City, cure for ague, men in good health, discusses question of authority to put down 
                                sidewalks in Huntington, Lt. Nichols will be AWOL if he doesn't return soon.
1863 Sept. 29 Slack, James R. to Ann Slack, Berwick City, LA,  Movement across Bay on way to Texas, weather, roads and food, 
                                discusses schools in Indiana mentioning Notre Dame and Crawfordsville, and speaking of school at Indianapolis as bigoted 
                                and fanatical, describes a marriage ceremony
1863 Sept. 29 Berwick City, LA to Sallie from Slack, describes bay, fish, swamps, alligators and Teche
1863 Oct. 5 Slack, James R. to Ann Slack, Camp Franklin, LA, arrangements for conveyance (ambulance), tents. etc for her to ride and 
                                make campaign with them and mentions General Ord and General Washburne in reference to orders prohibiting women form 
                                accompanying the expedition, names things for her to bring
1863 Oct. 31 Slack, James R. to Ann Slack, Camp near Opelousas Alabama  Describes town, surrounding country headquarters, defeat 
                                of Vanlandigham in Ohio and effect on war, mentions copperheads at home, election at home and McCaughey has a pony 
                                for the girls
1863 Nov. 1 Slack, James R. to Ann Slack, Camp Carrion Crow Bayou, LA,  Marching orders and movement of troops mentions taking 
                                into consideration that letter might he captured describes new tent.
1863 Nov. 6 Slack, James R. to Ann Slack, Vermilion Bay, LA.  Reorganization now 3rd Division instead of 12th Describes attack on 
                                General Burbridge's Brigade and capture of most of 67th Indiana, also pursuit by Slack’s men Mentions formation of bank 
                                at Huntington and prospective interest rate, discusses food and difficulty of obtaining it, mentions McCaughey’s defeat. 
1863 Nov. 17 Slack, James R. to Ann Slack, New Iberia, LA, capture of some of Indiana 47th regiment by rebels Mentions sending home 
                                "twin bullets." Hearing of burning of Charleston, gives instructions for train trip to Philadelphia via Fort Wayne
1863 Nov. 24 Slack, James R. to Ann Slack, New Orleans, orders to report to Indiana on recruiting service and plans for trip via steamer 
                                Evening Star to New York by way of Havana, mentions clothes and souvenirs for her to bring to Philadelphia.

Box 1, Folder 7.  Correspondence Apr. 1, 1864-June 29, 1864

1864 Apr. 1 Slack, James R. to Ann Slack, Cairo Illinois, trip from Indianapolis attack by Copperheads on men from 54th Illinois. orders 
                                to remain at Cairo and whereabouts of General Forrest Gives instructions on planting currants
1864 Apr. 6 Slack, James R. to Ann Slack, Cairo Illinois On board steamer Madison  Battle at Paducah and burning of town pending trip 
                                to New Orleans case of smallpox and other diseases, mentions newspapers Huntington Democrat and Doylestown Democrat
1864 Apr. 11 Slack, James R. to Ann Slack, on board steamer Madison, fifty miles below Helena, stop at Memphis instructions for planting 
                                garden, reasons for wanting to get back to the gulf.
1864 Apr. 12 Slack, James R. to Ann Slack, on board steamer Madison, twenty miles above Vicksburg, being fired upon stateroom set 
                                afire, mentions contrabands on Paw Paw Island, describes dilapidation of towns and plantations along the river.
1864 Apr. 15 Slack, James R. to Ann Slack, New Orleans, fight up Red River, "horrible generalship” opinion of speech by Mr. Long of Ohio
                                in Congress saying that secession was right Mentions General Jackson and his expression about the Federal Union.
1864 Apr. 19 Slack, James R. to Ann Slack, New Orleans, capture of Fort Pillow and massacre of troops
1864 Apr. 24 Slack, James R. to Ann Slack, New Orleans, on board steamer Starlight headed for Alexandria on Red River, gives number 
                                of boats in fleet and number of men on board to reinforce army at Grand Ecore
1864 Apr. 27 Slack, James R. to Ann Slack, Alexandria LA  Red River and surrounding country, fighting a opinion of General Banks Lists 
                                8 regiments he is commanding
1864 Apr. 29 Slack, James R. to Ann Slack, Alexandria Skirmish General Banks burning of houses and preparations for battle
1864 May 6 Slack, James R. to Ann Slack, in camp south of Alexandria, Capture of 56th Ohio. battle, destruction of steamer City Belie, 
                                mentions that gunboat fleets are engaged in stealing cotton and construction of dam to get boats past falls
1864 May 9 Slack, James R. to Mary Slack (daughter), in camp near Alexandria, to country and mentioning being cut off from all 
1864 May 10 Slack, James R. to Ann Slack, Near Alexandria. LA,  describes damming of river and moving of boats past falls Mentions 
                                cost of a gunboat Speaks of feeling of army men about management of war Mentions that they are cut off from supplies
1864 May 22 Slack, James R. to Ann Slack, Morgans Bend. LA, march from Alexandria, battles and fighting
1864 May 25 Slack, James R. to Ann Slack, Morgans Bend. LA, 46th Indiana starting for New Orleans to be mustered out
1864 May 29 Slack, James R. to Ann Slack, Morgans Bend, LA Troop movements. Mentions article in Huntington  Democrat say he is 
                                a "dog with a Lincoln collar around his neck" Mentions eight steamers burned at New Orleans, and other burnings
1864 June 2 Slack, James R. to Ann Slack, Morgans Bend, LA, four-day campaign into the country, describes an ambush and an arrest 
                                of a bushwhacker. Speaks of Generals Grant and Sherman at Richmond and Atlanta.
1864 June 5 Slack, James R. to Ann Slack, Morgans Bend. LA, Cavalry fight with guerrillas, fleas in camp and capture of a cow.
1864 June 12 Slack, James R. to Ann Slack, Morgans Bend and on board steamer N. Longworth on way to New Orleans, mentions 11th 
                                Indiana sent to another division
1864 June 26 Slack, James R. to Ann Slack, Kinneville, LA, General McGinnis change in Corps, General Canby and General Banks food, 
                                orders to move to Thibodaux to reinforce General Cameron
1864 June 29 Slack, James R. to Ann Slack, Thibodaux, LA, Describing and giving history of Thibodaux, speaks of trip from New Orleans. 
                                And mentions fair at Ft. Wayne and of being charged with cotton speculation and stealing silverware

Box 1, Folder 8.  Correspondence July 2, 1864-Oct. 24, 1864

1864 July 2 Slack, James R. to Ann Slack, Thibodaux,  Mosquitoes
1864 July 8 Slack, James R. to Ann Slack, Algiers, LA, change in command and movement by ship Mentions all ocean ships pressed 
                                into government service.  Mentions that Governor Lane has exonerated him from all complicity in the cotton and silverware 
1864 July 10 Slack, James R. to Ann Slack, Algiers, LA, troop movements of 11th Indiana and 8th Indiana Discusses Crawfordsville 
                                College Names two songs played by the band
1864 July 13 Slack, James R. to Ann Slack, Algiers, LA, no prospects of leaving
1864 July 18 Slack, James R. to Ann Slack, Algiers, LA  Placement of 11th Indiana and composition of his Brigade, mentions Springfield 
                                Rifle and gives instructions for taking care of trees and vines
1864 Aug. 3 Slack, James R. to Ann Slack, Morganza. LA, probabilities of all going home to vote in fall elections and General McGinnis 
                                and troop movements. Mentions 8th Indiana, gives number of men stationed there, amount of rent for office (in Huntington), 
                                and Milligan’s try for nomination for Governor of Indiana
1864 Aug. 7 Slack, James R. to Ann Slack, Morganza, LA,  Monotony and food
1864 Aug. 11 Slack, James R. to Ann Slack, Morganza, LA,  Price of wheat, mention of General Thomas Adjutant General of the U. S., 
                                Speaks of results if Mobile is taken, capture of whole garrison at Fort Gaines capture of Tennessee, gives instructions for 
                                staking raspberries and Lawton blackberries.
1864 Aug. 14 Slack, James R. to Ann Slack, Morganza, LA, Bank stock, food, speculation on fall of Fort Morgan.
1864 Aug. 18 Slack, James R. to Ann Slack, New Orleans, trip from Morganza on week's leave. Mentions 24th Indiana, Indianapolis 
                                Journal story concerning 47th Indiana Regiment's officers statements about his cotton speculations and silverware stealing
1864 Aug. 25 Slack, James R. to Ann Slack, Morganza, LA, expedition to Clinton, surrender of Fort Morgan and consequences. 
                                Reorganization of troops, food and a German band
1864 Aug. 28 Slack, James R. to Ann Slack, Morganza, rebels nearly capturing General Washburne in Memphis and food
1864 Sept. 2 Slack, James R. to Sallie Slack, Morganza, German brass band, rebels across river. H. Dodd's papers at Indianapolis and 
                                published correspondence.
1864 Sept. 6 Slack, James R. to Ann Slack, on board steamer Laurel Hill Mississippi River, plans to reinforce General Steele, 
                                nominations at Chicago, and resolutions (One concerning an armistice) and feeling of men about it.
1864 Sept. 8 Slack, James R. to Ann Slack, Mouth of White River, Arkansas,  boat trip, serenade from string band, camp in cotton field, 
                                food, nominations made in Chicago, and army opinion
1864 Sept. 9 Slack, James R. to Ann Slack, Mouth of White River, Arkansas,  Received orders to move to St. Charles
1864 Sept. 12 Slack, James R. to Ann Slack, St. Charles, Arkansas, trip from mouth of White River Describes placement of regiments 
                                Mentions scarcity of coffee
1864 Sept. 16 Slack, James R. to Ann Slack, St. Charles, Arkansas, food and prices encounter with a "slaying of notorious bushwhacker," 
                                Dan Brown, capture of rebels with kidnapped Negroes, describes people of the area
1864 Sept. 18 Slack, James R. to Ann Slack, St. Charles, food, describes quarters and mentions 34th Indiana
1864 Sept. 19 Letter from Bell M. Keith, Family affairs
1864 Sept. 21 Slack, James R. to Ann Slack, St. Charles. Capture of rebel scouts, describes women of the area and living conditions and 
                                mentions lack of pay
1864 Sept. 25 Slack, James R. to Ann Slack, St. Charles, describes some duties in reference to residents Mentions Milligan and speech 
                                in Fort Wayne and speaks of General Reynolds and administration
1864 Sept. 28 Slack, James R. to Ann Slack, St Charles, mentions poor families wanting to emigrate north
1864 Oct. 1 Slack, James R. to Ann Slack, St. Charles results of vote by men (Indiana 97th) for President and for Governor of Indiana 
                                mentions effect of nomination of Pendleton and speech at Democratic Convention in Indianapolis by D. H. Colerick regarding 
                                Allen county and the war and discusses attitude toward war.
1864 Oct. 5 Slack, James R. to Ann Slack, St. Charles, wedding anniversary and marriage. Speaks of refugees, discusses a rebel 
                                bushwhacker, Dr. Morgan, and outrages he has perpetrated.
1864 Oct. 7 Slack, James R. to Ann Slack, St. Charles, draft and amount paid substitutes, trial of H.H. Dodd at Indianapolis and Milligan. 
                                Mistake in the 47th Indiana Regiment vote, General Reynolds describes boots he wants made, gives instructions for trip to 
                                St. Charles, and refugees. 
1864 Oct. 11 Slack, James R. to Ann Slack, St. Charles, force concentration at Morganza mentions Dr. Tuttle President of Wabash 
                                College and discusses draft.
1864 Oct. 18 To Mrs. Slack from E. O. Hovey, Wabash College, discusses son, James Slack
1864 Oct. 19 Slack, James R. to Ann Slack, St. Charles, expedition to Little Rock describing town and origin of name, mentions General 
                                Steele, names music that the band played, and discusses General Price and probable route of his troops
1864 Oct. 21 Slack, James R. to Ann Slack, St. Charles, orders to move to Duvall's Bluff
1864 Oct. 24 Slack, James R. to Ann Slack, St. Charles, movement at Duvall’s Bluff

Box 1, Folder 9.  Correspondence Jan. 15, 1865-June 30, 1865

1865 Jan. 15 Slack, James R. to Ann Slack, steamer Olive Branch Mississippi River near Lake Providence, trip from Cairo rebel officers
                                to be exchanged and rebel women ordered out of Missouri
1865 Jan. 20 Slack, James R. to Ann Slack, New Orleans. LA, delivery of appointment as Brigadier and swearing in cost of hotel room 
                                and  "Fires"
1865 Jan. 24 Slack, James R. to Ann Slack, New Orleans. LA,  quarters including “bath room and water closet connected with house" and 
                                "darkies" celebration of day of freedom
1865 Jan. 25 Slack, James R. to Ann Slack, New Orleans, music
1865 Jan. 29 Slack, James R. to Ann Slack, New Orleans, rain and "knee deep" mud
1865 Jan. 31 Slack, James R. to Ann Slack, New Orleans, rumors of evacuation of Mobile, food, and soldiers lack of Pay
1865 Feb. 4 Slack, James R. to Ann Slack, New Orleans Mentioning General Canby and nine months pay due men. General Steele’s 
                                assignment to command 3rd Brigade, request to change and number of rebel troops at Mobile
1865 Feb. 8 Slack, James R. to Ann Slack, New Orleans, assigned command of the 3rd Brigade
1865 Feb. 9 Slack, James R. to Ann Slack, New Orleans, orders to take command of 1st Brigade 1st Division Reserve Corp. and to 
                                report to Ft. Gaines, Ala, lists regiment including Indiana 47th Mentions stay because of muddy roads
1865 Feb. 12 Slack, James R. to Ann Slack, New Orleans, plans to leave on Steamer Zephe Expresses, views about failure of peace talks 
                                and division of the country
1865 Feb. 15 Slack, James R. to Ann Slack, Ft. Gaines, Dauphine Island, Ala  Describing island and trip from Lakeport.
1865 Feb. 18 Slack, James R. to Ann Slack, Dauphine Island, Ala, describes Ft Morgan, troop movements around Mobile and 
                                Pensacola, Fl. Mentions Prof. Hovey.
1865 Feb. 22 Slack, James R. to Ann Slack, Dauphine Island, Ala, instructions for grafting pear trees
1865 Feb. 26 Slack, James R. to Ann Slack, Ft. Gaines, Dauphine Island, Ala,  troop movement and speculation on attack on Mobile.
1865 Feb. 27 Slack, James R. to Ann Slack, Ft. Gaines, Dauphine Island, trip by boat to Sand Island to pick up shells to send home, 
                                describes shells
1865 Mar. 4 Slack, James R. to Ann Slack, Dauphine Island  Fall of Charleston and Columbia, tents and lice Mentions Milligan and 
                                protest against modification of sentence by Governor Lane.  G. S. Orth and G. W. Julian.  Mentions General Canby 
                                movement of troops.  Requests that she raise his office rent to $200.00 per annum
1865 Mar. 9 Slack, James R. to Ann Slack, Dauphine Island, new recruits from Huntington preparations for movements around Mobile Bay.
1865 Mar. 14 Slack, James R. to Ann Slack, Dauphine Island, promotion of Captain Wintrode and others and  speaks of Generals Lawler 
                                and Hulbert
1865 Mar. 16 Slack, James R. to Ann Slack, Dauphine Island, orders to be ready to move weather and lice
1865 Mar. 17 Slack, James R. to Ann Slack, Dauphine Island, will be moving as soon as transportation is furnished
1865 Mar. 28 Slack, James R. to Ann Slack, Camp near Spanish Fort, Ala,  Fighting names killed and wounded and describes positions 
                                of army, battle and gunboats
1865 Apr. 4 Slack, James R. to Sallie from near Blakely Ala, food and living conditions
1865 Apr. 6 Slack, James R. to Ann Slack, near Fort Blakely, fighting around Spanish Fort, bombardment, and description of rebel 
                                forces in Spanish Fort and Mobile Discusses Milligan case.
1865 Apr. 9 Slack, James R. to Ann Slack, near Fort Blakely, Ala, battle and evacuation of Spanish Fort Describes charge and capture 
                                of Ft. Blakely
1865 Apr. 15 Slack, James R. to Ann Slack, Spring Hill west of Mobile  Describing assault on Ft. Blakely and capture loss of men and 
                                surrender of Mobile
1865 Apr. 18 Slack, James R. to Ann Slack, Spring Hill, describes headquarters, mentions Negro situation, discusses people of the 
                                area’s problems and attitude towards troops. Speaks of Lee s surrender and meaning. Mentions Milligan and probability 
                                of pardon by the President.
1865 Apr. 19 Slack, James R. to Ann Slack, Spring Hill, departure of troops conduct of soldiers attitude of residents
1865 Apr. 21 Slack, James R. to Ann Slack, Spring Hill, preparations for impending attack news of Lincoln’s and Seward’s 
                                assassinations, and effect
1865 May 16 Slack, James R. to Ann Slack, Spring Hill, problems with rebel paroled soldiers, preparations for Texas campaign
1865 May 18 Slack, James R. to Ann Slack, Spring Hill, rebel wearing "butternut' clothing and order for execution of Bowles, Milligan and 
1865 May 21 Slack, James R. to Sallie, Spring Hill 
1865 May 21 Slack, James R. to Ann Slack, Spring Hill,  effects of war on attitude of both North and South and slavery
1865 May 28 Slack, James R. to Ann Slack, Mobile, Ala., special orders, describes explosion in the city and resulting fire
1865 June 1 Slack, James R. to Ann Slack, Mobile Ala, orders to go with General Steele to Brownsville Texas, Speaks of Milligan and 
1865 June 5 Slack, James R. to Ann Slack, Brazos Santiago, Texas, boat trip, speaks of prejudice against Prof. Hovey (of Wabash 
1865 June 9 Slack, James R. to Ann Slack, Brazos Santiago, Texas, purchases made in Bagdad. Mexico of silver and clothing. 
                                Describes town of Bagdad, food, mentions prospects of war between France and the US, Padre Island and gives name 
                                of owner.
1865 June 18 Slack, James R. to Ann Slack, Clarksville, Texas, emigrants from Bagdad, possibility of flooding Rio Grande, troop 
                                movements and refugees
1865 June 21 Slack, James R. to Ann Slack, Clarksville Texas, weather and arrival of troops.  Describes incident of rebel cotton train 
                                traveling into Mexico and being demanded by Federal authorities, mentions rumors among Mexicans regarding President 
                                Johnson and notice to French Government
1865 June 25 Slack, James R. to Ann Slack, Clarksville Texas, mentions Generals Steele, Sheridan, Granger and Forsyth. Describes 
                                Sheridan and mentions hopes for consolidation of 34th and 4th Indiana Regiments
1865 June 28 Slack, James R. to Ann Slack, Clarksville. Texas is the “Most out of the way place I was ever in”
1865 June 30 Slack, James R. to Sallie Slack, Clarksville 

Box 1, Folder 10.  Correspondence July 2, 1865-May 8, 1882

1865 July 2 Slack, James R. to Ann Slack, Clarksville, General Steele’s demand on General Mejia for property rebels took to Mexico 
                                and refugees returning from Texas and Mexico, describes breakfast
1865 July 19 Slack, James R. to Ann Slack, Clarksville Treatment of Mexican soldiers by government of Mexico, Cortinas the Mexican 
                                liberal and mentions failure of wheat crop in Indiana because of weevils
1865 July 23 Slack, James R. to Ann Slack, Clarksville, Naming his command
1865 July 24 Slack, James R. to Ann Slack, Clarksville, request by Lt. Col R.G Morrison to defend him before a court martial in 
                                Brownsville. Mentions General Sheridan’s hope of consolidating 34th and 47th Indiana Regiments. Mentions murder in 
                                Jefferson Township (Huntington Co ) Indiana
1865 July 30 Slack, James R. to Ann Slack, Clarksville, will have no trouble with Mexico
1865 Aug. 4 Slack, James R. to Ann Slack, Brownsville, march from Clarksville, heat, insect bites men dying from the heat and the 
                                34th Indiana
1865 Aug. 6 Slack, James R. to Ann Slack, Brownsville, describes headquarters, price of meat and onions, describes General Robles, 
                                Inspector General and Chief Engineer of Maximillian's staff in Mexico and his work in connection with rebel property in 
1865 Aug. 9 Slack, James R. to Ann Slack, Brownsville Mentions, sketch of headquarters drawn by Capt Palfrey for Harpers Weekly and 
                                describing headquarters and garden planted
1865 Aug. 17 Slack, James R. to Ann Slack, In camp near Brownsville,  purchase of parrots to send home and instructions on care and 
                                feeding of parrots
1865 Aug. 19 Slack, James R. to Jimmy Slack at Brownsville, mentions 34th Indiana threatened with scurvy and arrival of ambulance 
                                train and division wagon train from Mobile
1865 Aug. 20 Slack, James R. to Ann Slack, Brownsville, fight between Cortinas and Mejia in Metamoras (Mexico)
1865 Aug. 23 Slack, James R. to Ann Slack, Brownsville, heat, prospect of coming home and order from Genera; Sheridan assigning 
                                him to a command
1865 Sept. 4 Slack, James R. to Ann Slack, Brownsville, instructions for farm
1866                 To Slack from Sawyer, Questions on political beliefs of candidates Thomas A Hendricks and ? Edgerton of Fort Wayne, 
                                national system of banking specie paying bonds Governor Baker’s election and belief in religion
1868 Jan. 13 To Slack from F. W. S., mentioning banking problems and Evansville banks
1882 May 8 To Mrs. Slack from William, President First National Bank of Huntington IN,  Expressing thanks for the portrait of her late 
undated                 To Slack from C. C. Slack of Bluffton, IN, gives names of ancestors and locations 
undated                 Letter of sympathy from Adaline P. Lewis to Friend Mamie Diary Mar. 17, 1865-May 3, 1865
Box 1, Folder 11Diary Mar. 17, 1865-May 3, 1865
1865 Mar. 17-May Diary of Siege of Mobile. May 3
Box 1, Folder 12Envelopes

Collection Information:

Size of Collection:    1 manuscript box (315 items) 
Collection Dates: 1837-1882 
Provenance: Mrs. BHB Grayson 
Access: This collection is open for research.
Restrictions:   None 
Collection Dates: Permission to reproduce, exhibit, or publish material in this collection must be obtained from the Manuscript Section, Indiana State Library.  Possession of a reproduction from an Indiana State Library collection does not constitute permission for use.
Language:   Materials are entirely in English
Alternate Formats:  None
Related Holdings    None

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