Decatur County Health Department
Address: 315 S Ireland St, Greensburg, IN 47240
Phone: (812) 663-8301
Phone (Text Only): (765) 570-8800
Fax: (812) 663-4174
Office Hours: 8 AM - 4 PM, Monday through Friday. Closed on Weekends and Holidays.
Vaccination Clinic Hours: 10 AM - 6 PM, Wednesday. Subject to Change.
Health First Indiana transforms public health through a state and local partnership to deliver services at the county level.
Senate Enrolled Act 4, legislation passed by the 2023 Indiana General Assembly, provides Health First funding starting in 2024 so counties can determine the health needs of their communities and implement evidence-based programs focused on prevention.
Decatur County has decided to opt-in to the new funding and to provide the core public health services, including trauma and injury prevention, chronic disease prevention, maternal and child health, and more.
The goal is to ensure that every Hoosier has access to the core public health services that allow them to achieve their optimal health and well-being. Good health is the foundation of our ability to thrive, from schools to the economy.
Health First Indiana Website

Location: Decatur County Health Department, 315 S. Ireland St. Greensburg, IN 47240
2025 Dates: Jan 27, March 17, May 19, July 21, Sept 15, Nov 17
Health Officer: Dr. Mary McCullough
Board Members: James F. Howell, DVM, MPH, DACPM, Board President; Megan Lanning Bodden; Aimee Diewert, MD; Kathy Simon, NP; Suzi Johanningman, NP; Matt Weber, RPH; Anthony Noles, DDS; Jennifer Sturges, Board Attorney