The Vital Records division is charged with the responsibility to accurately register, maintain the integrity of, and preserve the records of the vital events of the citizens of Grant County.
The Vital Records division is charged with the responsibility to accurately register, maintain the integrity of, and preserve the records of the vital events of the citizens of Grant County.
If the birth or death occurred in Grant County, you can come into our office and obtain the certificate immediately, or you can send a request for one through the mail.
To send a request for a birth certificate through the mail:
NOTE: Birth records are issued to the individual named in the record and/or their parent, guardian, grandparent, brother, sister, spouse, or child who is over 18 years of age.
Mail the request to:
Grant County Health Dept.
401 S. Adams St.
Marion, IN 46953
Requests received through the mail are processed and mailed the same day they are received.
Whether you fill out an application or mail in a letter, you will also need to send a photocopy of your driver's license or state-issued identification card, a stamped self-addressed return envelope, and a money order. The fee for a certified birth certificate is $15.00 per copy. Please note that we do not accept personal checks.
To send a request for a death certificate through the mail:
Mail the request to:
Grant County Health Dept.
401 S. Adams St.
Marion, IN 46953
Requests received through the mail are processed and mailed the same day they are received.
If the birth or death occurred in another state or county, click on the link from the sidebar "Useful Links" or click on this link. You will be directed to a website that will provide you with the necessary information.
You can send photocopies of 2 of the following documents (items MUST contain the signature of the applicant):
An immediate family member (mother, father, brother, sister, grandparent, or spouse) can obtain the birth certificate for you using their identification.
If the birth of the child occurred in Grant County and there is currently no father listed on the birth record, the mother and the biological father need to contact our office to schedule an appointment. We can then produce, process, and file a Paternity Affidavit which will add the father's name to the birth certificate. Both parents are required to appear in person and have to have their state ID and Social Security Card with them at that time.
If the parents are married, we will also need a copy of the marriage license.
There is a $55.00 fee for this service.
The Marion Public Library has birth & death records on microfilm prior to 1979. You can write them at Marion Public Library, 600 S. Washington St., Marion, IN, 46953, ATTN: Indiana Room. Anything after 1979 would be available through our office.
Death records dated 1979 through the present are available on this website by clicking the "Death Records" option in the sidebar box to the left of this page or by clicking on this link.