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Rulemaking Docket

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To comment on a proposed rule, scroll down to the rulemaking docket at the bottom of this page.  The rulemaking docket includes a table of all rules pending before the Natural Resources Commission.  

Comment On A Proposed Rule

The Natural Resources Commission adopted nonrule policy document Information Bulletin #55 to provide consistency, transparency, and efficiency in the development of hearing officer reports by employees of the Natural Resources Commission Division of Hearings.  Pursuant to Information Bulletin #55, citizens must identify themselves when filing comments for those comments to be included in a report or to be considered by the hearing officer.  Further, Information Bulletin #55 provides that public comments on proposed rules will be accepted through the rulemaking docket, by United States mail sent to: Natural Resources Commission, Division of Hearings, 100 North Senate Avenue, Room N103, Indianapolis, Indiana 46204-2200 or by email sent to the rulewriter listed on the “Notice of First Comment Period”.

Comments on a rule proposal will not be accepted until the Legislative Services Agency has published a "Notice of First Comment Period" in the Indiana Register or when the Commission has granted preliminary adoption to the proposed rule, and it has been posted on the rulemaking docket.  Comments received after the comment period for a rule is closed will not be recorded.

Public comments submitted on rule proposals are considered by the hearing officer in making a report and are provided to the Department of Natural Resources (DNR).  In addition, the comments are considered public records and may be accessed by the public through a public records request submitted to the Commission by email or United States mail.  The rule for which the public records are being sought must be referenced in the request.

Rulemaking Docket

In accordance with IC 4-22-2.1-6, comments from the Indiana Economic Development Corporation Comments (IEDC) are made available with respect to the following proposed rule amendments:

No rules currently posted require IEDC comments.

Comments may be made by clicking on the "Submit Comments Here" link for the rule proposal on which you wish to comment.  If the comment period has ended for a particular rule, the "Submit Comments Here" link will be replaced with  "Comment Period Closed".

Rule Name: Law Enforcement Hiring (312 IAC 4-4-6, 312 IAC 4-5-2, 312 IAC 4-5-3)

Description: (LSA#24-379) Amends 312 IAC 4-4-6 to remove the provision permitting the return of a conservation officer who receives a spot appointment to the conservation officer’s permanent grade before the spot appointment at the will of the director of the division of law enforcement (division director) and subject to the approval of the director of the department of natural resources (department). Amends 312 IAC 4-4-6 to remove the definition of a “spot appointment”. Amends 312 IAC 4-5-2 to: (1) remove the requirement that an individual who applies to become a conservation officer achieve an associate’s degree, at least two years toward a bachelor’s degree, or at least four years of full time active duty military service with honorable discharge; and (2) adds the requirement that a person who applies to become a conservation officer achieve a high school diploma or a general education diploma (GED). Amends 312 IAC 4-5-3 to require the division director to select an individual to become a conservation officer based on indicators the individual will excel in a career in conservation law enforcement, including the individual’s life experiences and interest in and commitment to natural resources.

Proposed Rule/
Regulatory Analysis


Notice of Public
Comment Period

Notice of
Public Hearing

Other Notices

Anticipated Timeline

Comment Period

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The comment period is closed.

Rule Name: Chronic Wasting Disease (312 IAC 9-1-5.2, 312 IAC 9-1-11.2, 312 IAC 9-2-17, 312 IAC 9-10-9, 312 IAC 9-10-9)

Description: (LSA#24-385) Adds 312 IAC 9-1-5.2 to define a “chronic wasting disease positive area”. Adds 312 IAC 9-1-11.2 to define “nonreleasable”. Adds 312 IAC 9-2-17 regarding when an individual surrenders a deer to a wild animal rehabilitator located in: (1) the county in which the deer is found; or (2) a county that is declared a chronic wasting disease positive area. Amends 312 IAC 9-10-9 regarding release of a deer by a wild animal rehabilitator if the deer has a confirmed case of chronic wasting disease. Amends 312 IAC 9-10-9 to make technical and conforming changes under the Administrative Rules Drafting Manual.

Proposed Rule/
Regulatory Analysis


Notice of Public
Comment Period

Notice of
Public Hearing

Other Notices

Anticipated Timeline

Comment Period

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The comment period is closed.

Rule Name: Bobcat Amendments (312 IAC 9-2-3, 312 IAC 9-3-9, 312 IAC 9-3-18.1, 312 IAC 9-3-18.4, 312 IAC 9-10-4, 312 IAC 9-10-12)

Description: (LSA#24-383) Amends 312 IAC 9-2-3 to allow any part of a bobcat to be sold. Amends 312 IAC 9-3-9 which permits a person to possess a bobcat the person finds dead. Amends 312 IAC 9-3-18.1 to allow an individual to trap a bobcat during the bobcat season. Amends 312 IAC 9-3-18.4 to remove bobcats from the possession and sale requirements of the state. Amends 312 IAC 9-10-4 to add bobcats to the list of species for which a game breeder’s license is required. Amends 312 IAC 9-10-12 to remove the specific requirements for bobcat hides and other parts purchased by licensed fur buyers. Makes technical and conforming changes under the Administrative Rules Drafting Manual.

Proposed Rule/
Regulatory Analysis


Notice of Public
Comment Period

Notice of
Public Hearing

Other Notices

Anticipated Timeline

Comment Period

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The comment period has closed.

Rule Name: Watercraft Operation and Permit Exemption Amendments

Description: (LSA#24-265) Amends 312 IAC 5-9-2 to include a zone where motorized watercraft operation is prohibited on Geist Reservoir. Adds 312 IAC 5-12-5 which provides an individual may not operate a watercraft at a speed greater than idle speed on a public water when operating the watercraft at a distance not more than 200 feet from dredging equipment, and that doing so is a Class C infraction. Amends 312 IAC 10-5-9 regarding obtaining a permit exemption to remove creek rock from a nonnavigable waterway without notice to the department. Repeals 312 IAC 10-5-10. Adds 312 IAC 10-5-12 regarding obtaining a permit exemption to remove a tree from a floodway. Adds 312 IAC 10-5-13 regarding obtaining a permit exemption with notice to the department of natural resources (department) for streambank protection in a floodway.

Final Rule


Notice of Public
Comment Period

Notice of
Public Hearing

Other Notices

Anticipated Timeline

Comment Period

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The comment period is closed.

Rule Name: Readoption, 312 Indiana Administrative Code provisions

Description: (LSA #24-574) The rule readopts the following provisions in the following articles of 312 Indiana Administrative Code, Departments of Natural Resources:   312 IAC 1; 312 IAC 4; 312 IAC 5; 312 IAC 6; 312 IAC  7; 312 IAC 9; 312 IAC 10.5; 312 IAC 11.8; 312 IAC 14; 312 IAC 15; 312 IAC 17; 312 IAC 18; 312 IAC 20; 312 IAC 21; 312 IAC 22; 312 IAC 25. Repeals 312 IAC 6-5-4; 312 UAC 6-5-8; 312 IAC 9-4-5; 312 IAC  18-5-2; 312 IAC 18-5-3; 312 IAC 18-5-4; 312 IAC 28.

Proposed Rule/
Regulatory Analysis

Legislative Notice

Notice of Public
Comment Period

Notice of
Public Hearing

Other Notices

Anticipated Timeline

Comment Period

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The comment period has closed