OALP Jurisdiction

File a Petition for Review (Individuals or Entities)

State Agencies: File a Petition for Review

File Motions, Exhibits, or other Documents

Next Steps after OALP Judge's Decision

General Info about Administrative Hearings Process

Request a Mediator (ADR for State Agencies)
OALP Notices from the Clerk's Office
- 2024-07-01: All matters previously filed with Office of Environmental Adjudication (OEA) are now filed with OALP at this link and will be entered into an online case management system, INcite.
- 2024-07-01: Parties filing documents into cases using INcite will receive file-stamped copies back to them via electronic service. A party that does not have e-mail will not receive a file stamped copy, but may request a copy from OALP as needed.