CenterPoint Energy Indiana South has received approval of new base rates in Cause No. 45447. Base rates cover a natural gas utility's operating, maintenance, and infrastructure costs.
In its Oct. 6, 2021 order, the IURC approved a settlement agreement among the OUCC, industrial customers, Direct Energy Business Marketing, and CenterPoint Energy.
The approved agreement will allow for an increase of $20.5 million while reducing the monthly fixed charges on a residential natural gas bill from $25.10 to $16.50. By comparison, the utility initially requested an annual increase of $29.6 million.
The OUCC's Feb. 19, 2021 news release summarizes the agency's testimony, which recommended reducing the utility's request to $14.3 million.
Our infographic outlines the steps in a base rate case. An IURC public field hearing was held on Feb. 1, 2021 in Evansville, and the OUCC issued a Jan. 15, 2021 news release to invite public comments.
All publicly filed documents are available in the IURC's online case file.
Electric rates were not at issue in this case. New gas rates for the utility's North service territory have been approved in a separate docket.
Vectren South's previous base rate order received IURC approval in 2007.