The IURC approved NIPSCO's new 6-year natural gas system improvement plan in a July 22, 2020 order.
According to NIPSCO's testimony and exhibits in IURC Cause No. 45330:
- The plan's estimated capital cost is nearly $949 million.
- Projects throughout NIPSCO's natural gas transmission and distribution systems would include replacement of aging transmission and distribution infrastructure, storage projects, targeted economic development projects, and expansion into rural areas that currently do not have natural gas service.
- Construction would start in 2020 and continue through 2025. The plan's first rate increase of approximately 0.66 percent would take effect in 2021.
- Annual rate increase amounts through 2025 would vary, ranging from 0.6 percent to 1.7 percent each year. The average annual percentage increase over the 6-year term would be approximately 1.27 percent.
The OUCC filed testimony (Grosskopf and Krieger) recommending denial of the plan on April 9, 2020. On May 22, 2020, the OUCC filed a proposed order and closing brief.
NIPSCO's most recently approved tracker filing will raise a typical residential gas bill by 91 cents.