Indiana Commission to Combat Substance Use Disorder
Definition | Members | Meeting Agendas | Minutes | Livestream | Archive | Upcoming Meetings
The Indiana Commission to Combat Substance Use Disorder meets quarterly throughout the year to collaborate and discuss actions and ideas to defeat the drug epidemic. The Commission consists of important stakeholders from all sides: prevention, treatment and enforcement.
- Douglas Huntsinger, Chairman, Executive Director for Drug Prevention, Treatment and Enforcement
- Lindsay Weaver, MD, Commissioner, Indiana State Department of Health
- Justin Busch, Indiana State Senator
- Douglas Carter, Superintendent of the Indiana State Police
- Bernice Corley, Executive Director, Indiana Public Defender Council
- Dan Evans, retired CEO, IU Health
- Lindsay Hyer, Executive Director, Indiana Professional Licensing Agency
- Katie Jenner, EdD, Indiana Secretary of Education
- Cris Johnston, Director, Office of Management and Budget
- Cindy Ledbetter, Indiana State Representative
- Devon McDonald, Executive Director, Indiana Criminal Justice Institute
- Eric Miller, Director, Department of Child Services
- Chris Naylor, Executive Director, Indiana Prosecuting Attorneys Council
- Christina Reagle, Commissioner of the Indiana Department of Correction
- Todd Rokita, Indiana Attorney General
- Daniel Rusyniak, MD, Secretary, Indiana Family & Social Services Administration
- Jacob Sipe, Indiana Housing & Community Development Authority
- Mark Smith, Judge, Hendricks County Superior Court
- Vernon Smith, Indiana State Representative
- Shelli Yoder, Indiana State Senator
Meeting Archive
Upcoming Meetings:
The 2025 meeting schedule will be announced at a later date.