LSA 22-14
Rulemaking Docket |
Date (“E”) for estimated future date |
Information |
LSA document number | LSA Document Number: 22-14 | |
Description of rule | Amends 511 IAC 7-36-2, and 511 IAC 7-36-3 and adds 511 IAC 7-36-3.5, concerning special education personnel, teachers, and teachers in charter schools. Amends 511 IAC 10.1-3-7, concerning requirements set forth in the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (“IDEA”) as they relate to transition to teaching alternative programs for special education licensure. Amends 511 IAC 16-4-1 and adds 511 IAC 16-4-8, concerning emergency permits. Statutory authority: IC 20-19-2; IC 20-19-2-8; IC 20-19-2-16; IC 20-28-2-6; IC 20-28-4-10; IC 20-33; |
Notice of intent | 01-26-2022 | |
Proposed rule | | |
Public hearing notice (publication date) |
03-09-2022 | |
Economic impact statement | | |
Public hearing date and location | 03-31-2022 | The public hearing will be held at the Indiana Government Center South, Conference Room 22, 302 W Washington St., Indianapolis, IN 46204 - at 2:00 p.m. |
IEDC comments | N/A |
OSBE comments | N/A |
Deadline for comments | 03-31-2022 | N/A |
Submit comments Online | Please submit comments to William H. Ottensmeyer, Staff Attorney, Office of Legal Affairs, Indiana Department of Education via email to |
Mailing address for comments | 100 N Senate Ave, 9th Floor |
Comments may be inspected at this location | 100 N Senate Ave, 9th Floor |
Request for public hearing | N/A |
Other notices | N/A |
Relevant scientific and technical findings | N/A |
Adoption of final rule | N/A |
Submitted to Attorney General | N/A |
Deadline for Attorney General action | N/A |
Returned by Attorney General | N/A |
Recalled by agency | N/A |
Submitted to Governor | N/A |
Deadline for Governor’s action (may be extended an additional 15 days) | N/A |
Final rule filed with the Indiana Register | N/A | |
Final rule published in the Indiana Register | N/A | |
Effective date of rule | N/A |
Additional information | N/A |
For additional information, contact | For additional information, contact William H. Ottensmeyer, Staff Attorney, Office of Legal Affairs, Indiana Department of Education, at |