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2024 I Voted Sticker Design Competition

Compete to have YOUR sticker design used on Election Day!

Click HERE to download your entry form.

Competition Rules
Please reference the full rules to the competition below:

  • All entries to the 2024 SOS “I Voted” Sticker Competition must consist entirely of the student’s original, non-copyright creation. Electronic designs are allowed, but may not include photographs, copy protected, material copied from the Internet or any other publication or source.
  • Participants must have permission from parent or legal guardian to participate and be contacted about their submission
  • Any suspected violation of copyright or plagiarism will result in disqualification.
  • Submissions may not include photographs, copyrighted or trademarked images (i.e., cartoon or comic book characters)
    • By submitting your entry, you are affirming that your design is original.
  • Only one entry per student is permitted.
  • Participants’ designs must fit within the template provided which may be downloaded and printed. Application/template forms are available from the Office of the Indiana Secretary of State – quantities may be limited. Any marks outside of the template area will not be considered for the competition.
  • Designs may be created using crayons, paint, pencil, ink, other mixed media materials or digital drawing and art tools.
  • Entries may not explicitly or implicitly promote a candidate, political party, or political issue. All submissions must be non-partisan.
  • Entries containing or depicting inappropriate, controversial, or sensationalistic images or messages are not allowed and may be rejected at the sole discretion of the Office of the Indiana Secretary of State or judges.
  • By entering the competition with a submission, the participant is allowing the Office of the Indiana Secretary of State, its agents or local government offices, to use, reproduce, edit, publish in any medium or media, their submission in whole or in part, for any non-commercial purpose in perpetuity.
  • Providers of winning entries, along with their parent or legal guardian may be required to sign a disclaimer, a waiver of liability and media release agreement before their entry is announced, published, or distributed.
  • All submissions must be received by September 30, 2024. Submissions received after the deadline will not be considered.
  • The Office of the Secretary of State reserves the right to reject any submissions that could be offensive or unsuitable for public distribution.