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  • CSA
  • Current: FAQ's

Welcome to your CSA Frequently Asked Questions

  • Transportation

    Transportation - new for 24-25 school year. CSA students may use up to $625 of an CSA annual grant amount for transportation expenses IF the student's CSA provider matches the transportation expense AND the student must prove hardship.

    Driver's license - new for the 24-25 school year. CSA students may use up to $1,000 of an CSA annual grant amount received for costs related to obtaining a driver's license. A driver's license must be a requirement of the apprenticeship/internship program AND the student must prove hardship.

  • ClassWallet

    ClassWallet is the financial management platform for the Career Scholarship Account and Education Scholarship Account programs. Parents will utilize ClassWallet to pay participation entities and expenses for services received. Participating entities will register their bank account information to receive payment from CSA students.

    Enter ClassWallet through

    If you have multiple children receiving CSA and/or ESA funds, you can log in once and switch between your children's accounts when issuing payment. Step-by-step instructions for this can be found here.

    If your child's participating entity is registered on ClassWallet, you can find them by clicking "Pay Vendor" on the ClassWallet portal homepage.  All you need is a PDF, JPEG, or PNG file of the invoice, statement, or other supporting documents. You can view the step-by-step instructions and watch a short 2-minute video here.

    If your participating entity is not on the list, please have them contact to get registered.

    Learn more about the basics of ClassWallet at or watch a 3-minute overview video.

    Please note, this video represents a broad overview and is not indicative of all the services that will be available through ClassWallet for Indiana's CSA and/or ESA programs.

    Translation services are available! Call 317-232-0723.

  • Access Indiana Log-In

    CSA application is hosted on Access Indiana. Access Indiana is a portal that allows Hoosiers to use one login and one password to access multiple services from the State of Indiana. You most likely have an Access Indiana account if you have used BMV, registered to vote, checked your unclaimed property and now ESA.

    Use your same Access Indiana username and password.

    If you don’t have an Access Indiana account, sign up your account takes 2 minutes to provide you full access to services across the state.

    Learn more here.

  • Work Based Learning

    To be eligible for CSA program, student must be enrolled in a Level 2 or above Work Based Learning (WBL) experiences.  This is inclusive of Indiana College Core (ICC) students.

    0544 Work Based Learning Level 2: Internship (WBL Lvl 2)

    0545 Work Based Learning Level 3: Modern Youth Apprenticeship/Pre-Apprenticeship (WBL Lvl 3)

    0546 Work Based Learning Level 4: Federal Registered Apprenticeship (WBL Lvl 4)

    Not Eligibly for CSA students: 0543 Work Based Learning Level 1: Employability Skills Development (WBL Lvl 1)

    WBL Definitions

  • Providers FAQ's

    Being a Provider FAQ, click here

    CSA Related to High Schools & CTE FAQ, click here