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INESA Families

What does your ideal educational environment look like?

Create it with a school choice scholarship for K-12 special needs students and their siblings!


Quick Links

INESA Portal

New portal with Access Indiana for all your program needs.

Click Here

INESA Schools

For a up to date listing of ESA providers visit your ClassWallet portal.

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INESA Providers

For a up to date listing of ESA providers visit your ClassWallet portal.

Click Here

Provider Contact Form

Submit your preferred service provider or curriculum vendor with this form

Click Here

Student Eligibility Checklist

Student must be a resident of the state of Indiana.

Families will need to provide a document with their most current address listed. This could include one of the following:

  • The most recent utility or mortgage bill
  • A lease/rental agreement
  • Voter registration documents
  • Photo ID

Student must be K-12 grade level and are 5 years of age, and less than 22 years of age by October 1 of the anticipated school year of participation. Families will be required to provide a birth certificate to prove the student is between the ages of 5-22 years old.

Student must have a disability and require special education.  Student must submit a complete copy of an Individualized Education Program (IEP), Service Plan (SP), or ESA Service Plan (ESA SP).

Student must be a member of a household with an annual income of not more than four hundred percent (400%) of the amount required for the individual to qualify for the federal free or reduced-price lunch. Proof of total household size and income must be accurate and submitted for each household member, including any income from the Eligible Student, regardless of the amount. It is the responsibility of the parent/legal guardian to provide supporting documentation for each household member during application.

Your current 1040 Tax Return is the preferred method to prove income eligibility. If members of the same household filed a separate Federal Tax Return, then each member of the household must submit their current Federal Tax Return. The amount used to determine eligibility is based on total adjusted gross income before any taxes or deductions. This is typically found on Line 11 on the 1040 tax form.

Other acceptable forms of proof of income are:

  • W-2 for each household member
  • Unemployment compensation statement for each household member
  • 1099 and/or statements from banks or other financial institutions showing interest earnings for each household member
  • Earnings from investments, bonds, estates, or trust accounts for each household member
  • Social Security statements for each household member
  • Pension or annuity statements for each household member
  • Military retirement benefits statement for each household member
Household Size - Number of family members listed below.Program Limit (400% free and reduced lunch program)


11 $552,810
12 $563,510
13 $604,210
15 $685,610

Student CANNOT be enrolled in a public school and be counted by the public school in their ADM count under IC 20-43-4.

Types of Providers and Qualified Expenses


  • Qualified schools
  • An individual tutor or tutoring company
  • A licensed therapist or therapy company
  • An individual or entity that provides a service to a student with a disability as part of their individualized education program, service plan, or as prescribed by the eligible student’s treating physician
  • An individual or entity that offers a course or program to an eligible student
  • Entities that provide assessments

Qualified Expenses

  • Tuition and fees at a qualified school, public school, or other participating entity
  • Fees for certain student assessments and examinations
  • Educational services for an eligible student who is a student with a disability
  • Payments associated with the use of paraprofessional or educational aides
  • Payments associated for receiving therapeutic services
  • Services contracted for and provided by a school corporation, charter school, magnet school, or qualified school, such as individual classes, extracurricular activities, or additional programs, resources, or staffing as part of the student’s IEP or ISP
  • Fee for service transportation to and from approved provider
  • Tuition and fees to attend training programs and camps that have a focus on: vocational skills; academic skills; life skills; independence; or soft job skills
  • Additional services and therapies prescribed by the eligible student’s treating physician

Application & Eligibility FAQs

ClassWallet FAQs

State Testing FAQs

Office Hours

Monday – Friday 8:00 AM – 4:30 PM
(317) 232-0723