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Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990 (ADA)

What is ADA?

The Town of Beverly Shores is committed to comply with the Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990 (ADA). This act requires that local communities comply with nondiscrimination laws as they relate to persons with disabilities. This act prohibits state and local government agencies from discriminating against people with disabilities and from excluding them from participating in programs, services or activities. The ADA, as well as the Indiana Department of Transportation (INDOT), requires that all local public agencies designate an ADA Coordinator, develop and distribute information to the public, adopt a grievance procedure and develop an ADA Transition Plan for their pedestrian facilities.

What is an ADA Transition Plan?

The ADA Transition Plan requires that all local public agencies complete an evaluation of public facilities, programs and policies, develop accessibility standards and complete a plan to remove access barriers. The local public agency must then implement this plan and monitor progress at 3 to 5 year intervals. The Town of Beverly Shores is currently working on their transition plan. Check back for further details.

Who is the ADA Coordinator?

Town of Beverly Shores
ADA Coordinator
Ellen Hundt

500 S. Broadway
P.O. Box 38
Beverly Shores, IN 46301
Phone: (219) 728-6531

ADA Resolution & Grievance Procedure

If any person feels that they have been discriminated against due to a disability, a formal procedure has been developed to file a grievance, or complaint, as well as to provide a prompt and equitable resolution.

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