Welcome to Culver, Indiana, a Little Town on Lake Maxinkuckee, and Indiana’s 2017 Division II Designee as a Stellar Community!
Culver is home to a diverse array of shops and restaurants in our commercial districts; a beautiful 5-acre park on the shores of Lake Maxinkuckee; Culver Academies, a world-renowned boarding school; Culver Community School Corporation, which provides K-12 public education, and so much more.
Whether you are interested in visiting for a day, summer, moving to Culver, or opening a business here, stop by and find out what makes Culver a Stellar Town Year Round! We are located in the southwestern corner of Marshall County, Culver is approximately 45 miles south of South Bend, 90 miles southeast of Chicago, and 125 miles north of Indianapolis.
If there is something specific you are looking for and cannot find it on the website, please contact Town Hall and we will be happy to do our best to answer your questions or provide the information requested. Also, if you would like to receive meeting notices via email, please send your request to kheim@townofculver.org.