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In 2026 the United States commemorates 250 years since the signing of the Declaration of Independence. While the 1976 bicentennial focused on celebrating the nation’s founding, this semiquincentennial will look at the bigger picture of the American experience. This commemoration will explore Indiana's role in the nation’s history, from the actions leading to the revolutionary period until today.

Indiana’s Effort to Celebrate the 250th Anniversary of the United States in 2026 was signed into Indiana State Law in March 2022 by the Indiana General Assembly and Indiana Governor Eric Holcomb.

Our website’s purpose is to serve as the place where Indiana Citizens can find information and links for Indiana’s local, county, and state plans for America’s 250 Celebration.

Celebrations and Events
From Indiana Historical Society

First Indiana State Capitol in Indianapolis | Courtesy of the Indiana Historical Society

  • What's New?

    New historical images from around Indiana added.

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History & Education

Historical Information for Educators

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Mission & Vision

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Calendar of Events

All the events and celebrations for 2026
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Links to Indiana County & City Groups Celebrating America 250


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Places to Visit

Visit historical sites related to the revolution in Indiana


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