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  • IAC
  • Current: About

About the Indiana Arts Commission

The Indiana Arts Commission (IAC) is an agency of state government that works directly with communities, creatives, and organizations to harness the power of creativity to strengthen Indiana. Through its programs and services, the IAC funds and supports arts experiences, arts education, and the arts economy to enhance the quality of life for Indiana's people and places.

What We Do - Mission Statement

Our mission is to positively impact the cultural, economic and educational climate of Indiana by providing responsible leadership for and public stewardship of artistic resources for all of our state's citizens and communities.

Who We Serve - Vision Statement

As an agency of state government, the Indiana Arts Commission (IAC) takes its role in serving all citizens of the state seriously. That's why our vision is "the arts everywhere, every day, for everyone in Indiana."

In order to move closer to our vision, we focus on three specific stakeholder groups:

  1. Artists
  2. Organizations
  3. Communities

Who We Are

The Indiana Arts Commission is made up of 15 people appointed by the Governor who establish the agency's policies and goals, plan its direction for the future, and approve all grant awards and programs. The commissioners serve up to eight years, without compensation and are selected to represent various areas of the state and diverse arts, business and community backgrounds. The commissioners hire an executive director to administer the agency and implement the strategic plan. IAC staff provide advice and counsel, develop and administer the grants making process, recruit and train panelists, maintain a website, develop and disseminate publications and other information, and convene groups to assist in issue identification and research.​​​​​​​

Cultural Equity Statement

To create equitable access to the arts for all Indiana residents, the Indiana Arts Commission is committed to intentional and ongoing engagement with all communities in our state. We will listen, engage, and incorporate diverse people and perspectives into all policies, programs, and services. Being consistently mindful and inclusive of the needs, ideas, and cultural history of the people who call Indiana home, we value and embrace their artistic expression and support them as they advance the arts that reflect their values and traditions. We believe in embracing diversity, championing inclusion, practicing equity, and embodying both the geographic and cultural variety that form the fabric of Indiana.

IAC Cultural Equity Statement, Adopted by Commission September 2020

Commission Meeting Minutes | 2024-2028 Agency Strategic Framework | History of the Agency

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State of Indiana, IAC, and NEA logos

Funding for the Indiana Arts Commission and its programs is provided by the State of Indiana and the National Endowment for the Arts, a federal agency.