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  • IAC
  • Current: Impact

Arts and creativity strengthen our state.

Arts and creativity make us stronger – as individuals, families, communities, and as a state. They are a backbone of innovation, prosperity, and thriving people and places. Public funding for arts and creativity is a high-return investment that benefits every Hoosier in every city, town, and rural community in Indiana.

Communities: From rural towns to big cities, arts and creativity strengthen the fabric of Indiana's communities. They celebrate local culture– both cherished traditions and exciting new ideas– telling stories of people and places. Arts and creativity promote connection and cohesion, foster the entrepreneurial spirit communities need to thrive, and create the kinds of communities where young people want to build families.

Health and well-being: They are one of the most effective treatments for trauma, depression and anxiety, including among our nation's veterans. Arts and creativity reduce our susceptibility to stress-related diseases. And arts therapies help to forestall Alzheimer's and promote lifelong brain health, while stemming the tide of the opioid crisis.

Education: Arts and creativity also set young people up for success, close the achievement gap, and improve test scores. Arts and creativity unleash human potential, promoting cognitive development and readiness to learn at every age. And they develop an innovative, globally competitive workforce by adding the key ingredient of creativity to STEAM education.

Economy: They provide people with the foundation for creativity, equipping an innovative workforce, generating new ideas in every field, and keeping our state globally competitive. Arts and creativity strengthen economic health in creating jobs in multiple industries, driving tourism, and providing opportunities for young people. According to the U.S. Bureau of Economy Analysis, the arts sector adds $8,692,297,000 to Indiana's economy. For details on Indiana's creative workforce,  download this report from Creative Vitality Suite.

Creatively Educating a 21st Century Workforce

In honor of arts in education week, the IAC teamed up with the Indiana Office of Career Connections and Talent (CCT) to take a look at 21st Century Talent Regions and how creativity is playing a role in developing Indiana’s workforce.

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Arts Drive Economic Development

Five examples of how arts and culture drive economic development and quality of place in Indiana as demonstrated by statewide designated cultural districts.

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Hoosier Women Artists: An Opportunity for Self-Expression

For Indiana’s 100,000 Hoosiers with an intellectual or developmental disability, the arts provide a unique opportunity for self-expression and socialization. One of the best places to see this in action is at the annual Hoosier Women Artists celebration.

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Taking a 30,000 Person Festival Online

Taste of the Arts is an arts festival in Fort Wayne, Indiana that usually serves 30,000+ people over three days on the downtown Arts Campus. Following the novel coronavirus pandemic, Taste of the Arts pivoted its usual in-person event to be held virtually.

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View a list of current grant recipients.