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Responding to an Accommodation Request

Never had a request for accommodation?

Check out this simple how-to list.

Have a clear place on your website or event materials explaining how a person can contact your staff to request accommodation. When someone reaches out, listen to their request and respond promptly, at the very least to confirm that you will work on the request.

Tip: Add an accommodation request line in all of your registrations, ticket sales, event sign-ups, or create a webpage with directions on how to request accommodations.

If you don’t know how to make the accommodation, ask for help. If you need to, ask clarifying questions of the person who made the request. That person will know the best accommodations for their needs. If it isn’t something you’ve done before, check with online resources or one of the many disability groups around the state to seek advice and support.

Create the accommodation or work directly with the person to find a good alternative.

Check in with the person to follow up and see if the accommodation met their needs.

  1. Document the request for accommodations and the costs associated for use in future budgeting and strategic planning.
  2. Train your staff on disability etiquette, how to receive an accommodation request, and how to provide good customer service to all patrons.
  3. Research future grants/funding support to continue being accessible.