- Attorney General
- Current: FAQs
Please see our list of frequently asked questions below. If you have questions or concerns, please use this form.
- How do I file a consumer complaint?
You can file a consumer complaint with the Office of the Attorney General online at https://www.in.gov/attorneygeneral/consumer-protection-division/file-a-complaint/ or by filling out a printable form.
You may fax the printable form to 317.233.4393 or mail it to the address below. Regardless of whether you're mailing or faxing the printable form, you must complete, print, and sign the complaint form. Include copies (please do NOT send us your originals), of all relevant supporting documentation. The address is mail your complaint form is
Consumer Protection Division
Office of the Indiana Attorney General
302 W. Washington St., 5th Floor
Indianapolis, IN 46204
You can also request a complaint form by calling 1.800.382.5516 or 317.232.6330.
- How do I search for unclaimed property?
The Indiana Attorney General is responsible for unclaimed property. To search for unclaimed property, visit www.IndianaUnclaimed.gov.
- How long does the consumer complaint process take?
Within 30 business days of our office receiving the complaint and documentation, a copy of the complaint is sent to the business listed on the complaint form. A letter is then sent to the consumer who filed a complaint notifying them who has been assigned to their file The response time of the business determines how quickly the Office can determine the next course of legal actions. The typical length of time for complaint resolution is 9 months; however, it may take longer depending on circumstances.
- What are the Indiana Lemon Law requirements?
Four requirements:
- a car or light truck
- purchased in the last eighteen months
- less than 18,000 miles
- bought or leased from Indiana DealerConsumers may file a complaint with the Attorney General's office by calling 1-800-382-5516 or by filing a complaint online.
- Can the Attorney General give legal advice?State law prohibits the Indiana Attorney General and deputy attorneys general from practicing private law. This means that they cannot represent you in court or provide you with legal advice. Hoosiers who need legal advice or representation should consult a private attorney. Referral services are available through the Indiana Pro Bono Commission.
- When should I file a consumer complaint?
If you are a victim of deceptive business practices or identity theft, you are encouraged to file a complaint with the Attorney General's Office. You may also file a complaint against businesses that are violating consumer protection laws. If you have documents to support your claim, it is important that you send copies of them to us. Please do not send original documents.
- Where can I find information on the opioid settlement?
To view more information on opioid settlement and litigation, please visit our page at: https://www.in.gov/attorneygeneral/opioid-settlement/
- What does the Attorney General's Office do?The Indiana Attorney General is the attorney for the State of Indiana. The Office represents the State of Indiana in cases involving the state's interest and provides legal defense to state officials or agencies in court, advises the Governor, members of the Legislature, other state officials, and county prosecutors on legal issues, gives formal legal advisory opinions on constitutional or legal questions at the request of designated public officials and represents teachers in court in school discipline lawsuits where they were acting within their school policy.
- How do I register for the Do Not Call List?
You can register any residential phone number listed in your name to the privacy list 24 hours a day, seven days a week by calling 1.888.834.9969 or by using this online registration form. The list is updated quarterly on the first of each January, April, July and October.
- How do I report illegal sharing/selling?
To report drug diversion call the Indiana State Police Drug Tip Line at 1-800-453-4756
To report drug diversion by Medicaid providers go to http://www.in.gov/attorneygeneral/2789.htm
To report drug diversion by Medicaid recipients - call the toll-free Hotline at 1-800-403-0864 or send an email to: ReportFraud@fssa.IN.gov
Drug Diversion can also be reported to the Drug Enforcement Administration at (219) 681-7000 in northern Indiana and (317) 226-7977 in central and southern Indiana - Where can I learn about the Parents' Bill of Rights?
Attorney General Rokita has released a Parents' Bill of Rights, providing a roadmap for Hoosier parents and caregivers to exercise their legal right to have a voice in their children’s education. Learn more here: https://www.in.gov/attorneygeneral/files/Parents-Bill-of-Rights.pdf
- How do I avoid frauds and scams?
Education is the best defense against falling prey to frauds and scams. The Indiana Attorney General's Office offers a free consumer program that alerts consumers of the latest frauds and scams - you can sign up online. The Office also designed www.IndianaConsumer.com as a one stop resource center for consumer information and education. Browse the site by topic for helpful tips and red flags to avoid.
- How I sign up for office news?
For communications, media contacts, and general inquiries, please visit our Media Contacts page at: https://www.in.gov/attorneygeneral/newsroom/media-contacts/
- "Price Gouging" complaint or information?
The Indiana General Assembly passed Indiana's Fuel Price Gouging Law on July 1, 2002. This law prohibits price gouging for fuel products when the Governor declares an emergency under either general disaster/emergency powers or energy emergency. The law allows the Attorney General to investigate and seek restitution, injunctions and civil penalties in court of up to $1,000 per transaction.
The Indiana Attorney General's office and federal agencies such as the Federal Trade Commission and the U.S. Department of Energy monitor gasoline prices. Information can be found at: Gasoline Pricing Information or AGO, Consumer Protection Division at 866-241-9753. Complaint form. Complaints are only excepted when the Governor declares a state of emergency. But the Attorney General's office will always take your information and comments.
- Where can I find help?
There are many different kinds of treatment available throughout Indiana. Depending on your personal preference, and also the severity of the addiction you or a loved one are facing, you might consider:
Residential or Outpatient Treatment
Short Term or Long Term Treatment
Traditional or Alternative Treatment
For-Profit Facilities or Nonprofit Facilities
Charter Schools who specialize in assistance with treatment and recovery
More information about all of your options are available at http://www.in.gov/bitterpill/2377.html