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Mortgage Fraud Complaint

You can file a Mortgage Fraud complaint with the Office of the Attorney General online or by filling out a printable form. If you are unable to attach relevant supporting documentation to your online complaint or you are sending your complaint by mail, send the copies (please do NOT send us your originals), along with a copy of your complaint form to the following address:

Consumer Protection Division Office of the Indiana Attorney General
302 W. Washington St., 5th Floor
Indianapolis, IN 46204

You can also request a complaint form by calling 1.800.382.5516 or 317.232.6330.

Mortgage Fraud Complaint Forms:

Helpful tips for filing a consumer complaint:

  • A consumer transaction (such as a purchase) must have occurred before our office can investigate a complaint.
  • If you have documents to support your claim, it is important you send copies of them to us. Please do not send original documents.
  • Our office will contact you by mail as your complaint progresses through the process. Please allow adequate time for our office to notify you.
  • You may be referred to another agency. Often another local, state, or federal agency will have the legal authority or more expertise than our office to handle a particular consumer problem.
  • The Attorney General cannot act as your private attorney. It is the responsibility of the Attorney General to protect public interests. In doing so, the Attorney General’s Office may file lawsuits on behalf of the state against companies that violate laws protecting consumers. The Attorney General’s Office cannot represent individual consumers when filing lawsuits nor can the office file a lawsuit whose only purpose is to recover money or property for an individual. In these instances, the consumer should seek legal advice from a private attorney, legal aid society, or other organizations. The following link provides information on free legal services for low-income and elderly Indiana residents:

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