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Replacing a Driver’s License Learner's Permit or Identification Card

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Replacing Online

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Replacing at a Branch

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Replacing if You're Away from Indiana

Easily Replace Online

Remote replacement for driver’s licenses, learner’s permits, Commercial Driver’s Licenses (CDL), and identification cards (ID card) can be completed through at any time after your card has been printed and mailed to you.

Please note: You may only replace a driver's license, learner's permit, CDL, or identification card a maximum of 10 times online before you must visit a BMV branch.

When you request a replacement you will receive an exact duplication of your most recently issued card. This means no changes may be made to the information displayed on your card. If you need your replacement card sent to a different mailing address you must update your mailing address online prior to completing your online replacement application.

In order to renew or replace online, the applicant must create a myBMV account by providing their:

  • Driver’s license number,
  • Last four digits of their Social Security number, and
  • Legal ZIP code

Customers who renew or replace through their myBMV account may also register to vote online. Once the transaction has been completed and the applicant signs out of their myBMV account, they may click the link provided for online voter registration. This link will take the applicant to the Election Commission’s website, where they may choose to register to vote.

When You Must Visit a BMV Branch to Replace

  • Some applicants are not eligible to renew or replace online because their residential address, township, or zip code has changed, or they amended some other information with the BMV after their last card was issued. If you need to change your name or residential address, you will need to visit a branch to amend your license.

Replacing a License If You Are Away From Indiana

If your Indiana driver’s license, learner’s permit, CDL, or identification card has been lost or stolen while you are out of the state, you may obtain a 30-day interim credential allowing you to return to Indiana and obtain a replacement. To obtain a 30-day interim credential, you will need to complete a Request for Interim/Extension License or Military Extension Letter - State Form 54580 and have it mailed to the address listed on the form. You may be able to print a paper interim license from your myBMV account if you recently renewed or replaced your driver’s license in a BMV branch or online at

If you are temporarily living outside Indiana because you are serving in the military, your license remains valid for 90 days following your discharge from service. You may be eligible for online renewal or replacement. To renew your expired license after you have been discharged, you need to visit a BMV branch and show proof of your discharge.

Learn more about the BMV's services for military families