Coming to Hoosiers Where They Are
Letter from the Commissioner
The BMV remains committed to serving Hoosiers. In 2023, the agency invested in several platforms that provide opportunity for people to engage with the agency in a way that best meets their needs. The shift in consumer behavior continues with 53% of volume occurring outside of a branch. BMV Connect kiosk activity continued its impressive growth with just under 1.3 million transactions completed in one year, a new record. The myBMV platform also grew in 2023 exceeding 3.5 million transactions, a banner year for this medium. Not to be forgotten are the agency’s incredible Partial Services Providers (PSPs). This group processed more than one million transactions, shattering yet another record.
The agency’s commitment to investing in modern technology will sustain in 2024 as will its focus on providing a collaborate environment for team members to grow in their roles. In 2023, for the first time ever the BMV was recognized as a Top Workplace in Indiana and the credit for that recognition goes to our team.
More than 1,400 folks show up every day to support our State. We are grateful for their commitment. To continue to support our team, the agency relaunched its onboarding program, BMV University. This program helps new hires gain information about the agency and provides an opportunity for leadership to connect with the team across the state through personalized welcome letters.
The list of accomplishments from 2023 is long. In this year’s report you will learn about the first major shift in branch hours in decades, as well as a transformation of how we notify customers of upcoming registration renewals. These changes are based on customer behavior and feedback and possible because of the BMV’s incredible team.

In 2024 we will focus on building an electronic title program and modernizing how mail is processed to improve efficiency. I expect more records to be broken and look forward to sharing those stories with you.
Joe B. Hoage, Commissioner
2023 Key Performance Indicators
The agency remains focused on providing a consistent customer experience through efficient transaction processing across all mediums. These metrics represent key focus areas for the agency and provide insight to consumer behavior. All metrics are displayed as calendar year 2023.
Real ID Conversions
The Real ID conversion rate averaged 37% in 2023. At year end, 75% of eligible Hoosiers were Real ID compliant. The deadline is May 7, 2025.
Out of Branch Transactions
Transactions performed outside of a branch remained relatively flat in 2023 at 53.2%. myBMV experienced a slight increase of 1.9% while kiosks grew most significantly by 14.7%.
Branch Experience Time
The average branch experience time in 2023 was 14 minutes and 27 seconds, with 78% of transactions completed in under 20 minutes.
Customer Satisfaction
Customer Satisfaction Rating by Medium
The BMV collected $1.38 billion in fees and taxes during fiscal year 2023 (July 1, 2022 - June 30, 2023). 52% of the fees and taxes collected by the agency were distributed back to local city and county governments.
2023 By the Numbers
BMV Customers
Branch Visits
Out of Branch Transactions
Opted in for Text or Email Renewal Reminders
Top Specialty Group
Recognition Plates of 2023
Customer Experience
The Indiana Bureau of Motor Vehicles (BMV) identified an opportunity to streamline communications related to renewal reminders for vehicles and watercraft. In February 2023, the team kicked off “Project Junk Mail”, changing how the BMV notifies customers of upcoming registration renewals. More than 100,000 customers switched from mail to email or text renewal notices in 2023.
Beginning in October of 2023, the BMV announced new branch hours. The change enables the BMV to provide service six days a week in many areas across the state. The shift in operating hours was also in response to increasing customer preference to use out of branch transaction options as well as to provide BMV team members opportunity to participate in critical on the job training to ensure efficient and accurate transaction processing. Marketing efforts helped drive an 18% increase in online and kiosk transactions in November and December of 2023.

Continuing in the spirit of meeting customers where they want to be met, the agency saw an opportunity to further improve how we engage our customers and added several more languages to the online driver’s manual inventory in 2023. These included French, Japanese, Hindi, Punjabi, and Vietnamese, offering customers a total of 11 languages.
In addition, the BMV added Spanish as a language option to all BMV Connect kiosks. Spanish being the most common non-English language spoken in Indiana (with 4.6% of the Indiana population being native Spanish speakers), this provides added value to the kiosk program and another way for us to better serve Hoosiers.
The BMV announced changes that bring more opportunity to eligible individuals seeking a driver’s license, permit, or identification card in Indiana. House Enrolled Act 1050-2023 (HEA 1050) allows licensed driver training schools to administer a driving skills test to individuals who hold a valid learner’s permit. Prior to this change, individuals were not eligible to complete a driving skills test until 90 days after they turned 16, which often occurs after the training courses have taken place for many permit holders. This change expands the options for eligible Hoosiers to complete their driving test during their training.
Updates to Our Branches
4 Branch Relocations
Frankfort, LaGrange, New Castle,
and Warsaw
5 Branch Remodels
Batesville, Bluffton, English,
North Vernon, and Vevay
1 New Branch
Indy East
12 New Kiosks
Allen County Meijer, Bluffton, Frankfort, Huntington, Indy East Connect Center (3), Martin's Supermarket-Nappanee, New Castle, North Vernon, Tippecanoe County Meijer, and West Lafayette
Team Member Experience
As it is one of our Strategic Pillars, the BMV understands investing in our team is vital to ensuring we provide best-in-class service to Hoosiers. Some of the ways we invested in the team member experience in 2023 were...
The agency brought back "BMV University (BMVU)" to welcome new hires to Central Office. BMVU offers a unique way to support team members as they embark on their careers with the agency. Our goal through this onboarding process is to provide easy access to resources, share insights about the agency, and highlight the culture of our team. A typical onboarding day involves meeting with an agency HR representative, an opportunity to get to know a Senior Staff member, and a tour of the Central Office and Government Center. New hires also receive a personalized welcome card and a BMV swag bag.
Branch New Hire Training (BNHT) was also overhauled in 2023 with the goal of building more consistency in the training program and providing a more interactive class. BNHT focused on the individual needs of associates, streamlining content, and adding engagement opportunities.

Another focus for 2023 was finding new ways to bring everyone physically together one day a month. To this end, "All in Days" were introduced in Central Office to encourage collaboration and interaction. These days included training opportunities, as well as fun team building activities. Guest speakers provided interesting and impactful information on topics, including active shooter training, ADA, wellness, and equity and inclusion. Some "All in Days" also included fun activities like Field Day, BMV Awards, a volunteer activity with Gleaners, and a holiday activity day.
During the 2023 State Employee’s Community Campaign (SECC) season, BMV placed in the top three State agencies for funds raised, and our agency had 202 new donors (the most of any agency). The overall statewide campaign raised a total of more than $1.4M, supporting 1,486 nonprofits across Indiana and beyond. The BMV’s portion was over $80K from 549 participants. The BMV selected the Mighty Mason Fund for Palliative Care—named for Mason Garvey, son of BMV Chief of Staff Kevin Garvey—for its charity. Mason bravely battled pediatric cancer from September 2018 to June 25, 2020. The Mighty Mason Fund for Palliative Care was 7th overall for most funds raised out of 1,486 charities. The total raised for The Mighty Mason Fund was $13K with 103 pledges as well as $3K that was raised from virtual and in-person events such as Tug-of-War and the BMV Silent Auction.
Noteworthy Milestones of 2023
→ "All in Days" started.
→ New foreign language translations added for the driver's manual. -
→ BMV is named an Indiana and US Top Workplace by Energage.
→ AAMVA presents BMV with two communications awards and one community service award.
→ Email is introduced to branch associates.
→ BMV sponsorship nights with the Indy Fuel and Fort Wayne Komets hockey teams. -
→ BMV sponsorship night with Gary SouthShore Railcats baseball team.
→ HEA 1050 announced. -
→ BMV sponsorship night with Evansville Otters baseball.
→ BMV sponsorship night with Indy Eleven soccer.
→ BMV booth completes a record number of transactions at the Indiana State Fair
→ Branch hours changed.
→ BNHT was overhauled and relaunched in the classroom.