A Year of Progress and Service
A Year of Progress and Service
A Year of Progress and Service
Letter from the Commissioner

A Year of Advancement and Success
Kevin Garvey, Commissioner
I am excited to share 2024 brought many important successes to the BMV. As an agency, we continue to meet Hoosiers where they want to be met. To that end, more than half of agency’s transactions took place outside of a branch, with just over 1.5M transactions being completed at a BMV Connect kiosk, a new record and a 21% increase over prior year. 2024 also brought us the Great Renewal. With over a million Hoosier credentials expiring in 2024, the BMV was very busy renewing those, seeing a 30% increase over the prior year. Further, the state is an impressive 78% Real ID compliant.
The year brought multiple technological advancements as well, with E-Title, OPEX, Propio, and Pocketalk. E-Title is a phased system created by the BMV to enable the electronic transfer of vehicle ownership; OPEX is a multi-stage process focused on improving efficiency in the processing of mailed-in registrations and titles. It is a change from a multi-touch process to a single “one touch” scanning approach. As a result, the work completed daily will more than double; Propio was implemented in all branches providing over the phone translation in over 300 languages; Pocketalk was piloted in select branches. It is a handheld device that allows instant voice translation in more than 80 languages.
This amazing work cannot be done without our incredible associates, and here are just a few more highlights from this past year. Our Branch Hours Team was awarded the Governor’s Public Service Achievement Award as a result of their work successfully changing branch hours across the state to better serve customers and support team members. Our associates not only provide great service daily but also in extraordinary circumstances. 2024 brought tornado devastation to Randolph and Delaware counties. The agency served as an immediate resource to impacted residents, providing services at our Winchester location. The work of 2024 culminated in our multi-day Branch Manager Meeting in Indianapolis, bringing together talented leaders from throughout the state. This meeting gave attendees an opportunity to learn, share stories, spend time together, and participate in team building activities. We are already off to a great start in 2025 and look forward to sharing those successes with you.
Kevin Garvey
2024 Key Performance Indicators
Real ID Conversions
The Real ID conversion rate averaged 36% in 2024. At year end, 81% of eligible Hoosiers were Real ID compliant. The deadline is May 7, 2025.
Out of Branch Transactions
Transactions performed outside of a branch in 2024 averaged around 47%.
Branch Experience Time
The average branch experience time in 2024 was 16 minutes and 53 seconds, with 55% of transactions completed in under 20 minutes.
Customer Satisfaction
Customer Satisfaction Rating by Medium
Total revenues collected by the BMV increased $13.5 million (0.98%) in fiscal year (FY) 2024 compared to revenue collected in FY 2023. 50.3% of the fees and taxes collected by the agency were distributed back to local city and county governments.
Well-Deserved Recognition for BMV Employees
In 2005, Governor Mitch Daniels established the Governor's Public Service Achievement Awards ceremony to recognize State of Indiana employees and teams who, through their commitment and innovation at work, have produced a measurable, positive impact on their agency’s finances, operations, or population. This year, Governor Eric Holcomb honored one team and one individual from the BMV for their commitment and excellence in public service.
Individual Award
Angela Droeger
Angela Droeger has been a BMV team member for 27 years and during that time has served the agency in many capacities. In her current role as Director of Central Processing, she oversees teams in BMV’s Central Office, Winchester Processing Center, and two dealer fleet locations. Angela is a tireless leader who puts team first, always providing great customer care.
Team Award
Branch Hours Team
The Branch Hours Team conducted a pilot program for its branch hours, collecting feedback from customers, staff, and researching markets to optimize open hours to serve the public.
Based on the pilot, the BMV successfully changed branch hours across the state to better serve Hoosiers and support team members.
Team members included Holly Alber, Erin Bennett, Kevin Garvey, Jessica Gray, Terri Holaday, Brittainy Hubble, Kalab Leslie, Brandy Logan, Courtney Meeks, Sandra Pancer, James Paul, Shannon Polk, Nicole Reynolds, Linda Riggers, Holly Sample, Amanda Slusher, and Karla Winkler.
Updates to Our Branches
2 Relocations
Merrillville and Liberty
3 Remodels
Vincennes, Winchester, and Winchester Processing Center
2 Closed
Indy Madison Ave and Griffith
8 New Kiosks
Berne, Clarksville, Highland, Indy Midtown, Liberty, Merrillville, Terre Haute, and Vincennes
Anticipating Needs, Exceeding Expectations
With over a million Hoosier credentials expiring in 2024, the agency was gearing up for a very busy year with what was deemed as "The Great Renewal". To help prevent potential bottlenecks with all the renewals needing to be processed, the BMV Marketing and Communications created strategic marketing campaigns to educate the public on optimum hours for branch visits as well as out of branch renewal options using kiosks and myBMV.com. These efforts proved to be helpful, resulting in 30% more transactions completed in 2024 (year over year) and branches successfully keeping average customer visit times under 20 minutes (as compared to the previous "Great Renewal" in 2018).
Building Bonds and Driving Success: 2024 Branch Manager Meeting
The BMV holds a biennial conference in Indianapolis for our branch managers. Bringing together talented leaders from throughout the state, gives them an opportunity to learn, share stories, spend time together outside of an office setting, and participate in several team building activities.
This year's Branch Manager Meeting included a motivational speech from BMV's Chief of Staff, Kevin Garvey, updates from across the agency lines of business, and a moment of challenging fun with an escape room.
Innovating to Elevate the Customer Experience
In today's fast-paced world, regularly adding new services is crucial for an organization to improve efficiency and meet evolving customer needs. This year, the BMV collaborated in acquiring several new technologies to ensure a better customer experience and faster processing.
Electronic Title Processing
E-Title is a phased system created to enable the electronic transfer of vehicle ownership. The BMV E-Title Project group is on track to deliver Phase 1 of E-Title by July 1, 2025. In the coming months, the group will be developing updates to resource materials and training, providing information to our Partial Service Providers to set the stage for onboarding, and begin working on the requirements for a Request for Proposal for Phase 2 of E-Title.
Document & Mail Automation
BMV engaged with OPEX on a multi-stage modernization process focused on improving efficiency in the processing of mail-in registrations and titles. The current process is a multi-touch process that will evolve to a single “one touch” scanning approach. The work completed daily will more than double with this new, automated approach.
Enhanced Communication
Recognizing that are many non-English speaking communities in Indiana, the agency invested in two translation technologies to allow for more Hoosiers to have equal access to essential services and information.
Propio was implemented in all branches July of 2024. It provides over the phone translation in over 300 languages.
Pocketalk was piloted in select branches in September of 2024. It is a handheld device that allows instant voice translation in more than 80 languages.
Revving Up New Drivers to Ace the Knowledge Exam
One of the most important demographics the BMV serves are new drivers. The BMV took an innovative step to equip young Hoosiers with the information needed to pass their knowledge exam by introducing a series of video study guides on YouTube. The BMV Credentials team worked with the Marketing team and created a playlist of five engaging videos that provide clear and comprehensive information from the Driver's Manual and make the study process more accessible for young Hoosiers preparing for their driving tests.
The most recent video added to the series—"Traffic Stops by Law Enforcement"—involved a partnership with Indiana State Police to educate drivers on what to do if a driver is pulled over by law enforcement or in the event of a crash. The ultimate goal is to raise awareness with new drivers on how they can help maintain the safety of officers, other drivers, and themselves on the road.
The series as a whole has received over 20K views on YouTube since the first video launched in March, and the Credentials department has reported a 3% increase in pass rate for exam takers.

Driven to Serve: BMV's Mobile Branch
The BMV Mobile Branch is made up of five hard working individuals with a passion for breaking down barriers for individuals by providing services outside of a branch. A primary activity is partnering with the Department of Corrections, assisting individuals through the Re-entry program. The Mobile Branch conducts the driver’s written exam, processes renewals or amendments to any active credential, and issues new state credentials. 2,406 individuals were helped across 19 DOC locations through the partnership.
While that was a large part of the Mobile Branch activity, the most exciting news of the year was the addition of a new partner—Horizon House. The staff at Horizon House provide comprehensive services helping our neighbors experiencing homelessness. Through this new partnership, the Mobile Branch was able to serve 32 individuals to date, issuing identification cards to gain resources associated with a state issued ID. The growth of the Mobile Branch has been exciting and we can’t wait to see what comes next.
On top of that, the Mobile Branch served as an immediate resource to the residents of Randolph and Delaware counties who suffered damage and or losses due to the March tornado. Specific services provided at the BMVs Winchester branch included reproduction of identification, permits, title replacement, registrations, and license plates.

Spreading the Love Through the State Employee Charity Campaign
SECC 2024 introduced BMV team members to fun new activities and events, as well as two additional options of charities to support. Tried and true events such as Tug of War and the Paddle Battle, and the BMV’s newest event, Bingo with the BMV, gave state employees many opportunities to support worthy causes.
The three charities that the BMV selected were the Mighty Mason Fund for Palliative Care, Riley Children’s Foundation, and Dogs Helping Heroes, Inc. as its charities.
Through pledges made via payroll deduction from BMV team members as well as one-off donations for events, the BMV raised a total of $86,883.29 for SECC, dividing the funds between the three charities. This was the third highest amount raised in 2024, just after The Department of Revenue and The Department of Transportation.