What is a Supplemental License Plate?
A supplemental plate may be for display purposes only. A supplemental plate number is not indicated on a certificate of registration.
Proof of registration or (for a manufacturer or dealer) ownership must always be in the vehicle.
What is a Civic Event License Plate?
A Civic Event license plate is issued to promote community events that are beneficial to Indiana. IC 9-18.5-10 authorizes the use of Civic Event license plates.
A Civic Event license plate issued under IC 9-18.5-10 is supplemental to a license plate displayed on a vehicle that is registered, in the inventory of a manufacturer or a dealer licensed under IC 9-32. Proof of registration or (for a manufacturer or dealer) ownership must always be in the vehicle.
The validation period for Civic Event license plates is not to exceed sixty (60) days, unless otherwise approved by the Commissioner. The Commissioner must approve a validation period and may limit requests. The expiration date will be featured on the license plates.
Civic Event license plates generally have an image of the organization’s logo on the left side, the expiration date (e.g., EXP. mm/dd/yy) in the top left-hand corner, and any alpha/numeric combination plate number.
What is the Civic Event Plate Program?
The BMV may issue a civic event plate for use in promoting an event that the Bureau finds beneficial to the state or to a county, municipality, or township.
Who May Apply to the Civic Event Plate Program?
The coordinator of a civic event may submit an Application for Civic Event License Plates - State Form 54846 via email to Registrations@bmv.in.gov or via mail to:
Bureau of Motor Vehicles
Registrations Department
100 North Senate Avenue
Indianapolis, IN 46204.
What Happens After the Civic Event Plate Program Application is Submitted?
Prior to issuance, all applications must be approved by the Commissioner or Commissioner’s designee.
Obtaining Approval
Initial approval is based on he following criteria:
- Request is received at least 60 days prior to the event:
- Event must be staged in Indiana and contribute to the state, county, municipality, or township
- Applications must include:
- The civic event name
- Applicant name or sponsoring organization
- Date of civic event
- Purpose of the event
- Philosophy or mission of the event and significance to Indiana or other organizations in the community
- Total number of vehicles to be plated
- Plate number range
- Plate validation period (not to exceed 60 days)
- Plate type and number of each (i.e. Passenger/truck and/or motorcycle)
- Event coordinator’s contact information
- Electronic image of plate design
Upon Application Approval the BMV Will:
- Obtain approval of final image from applicant
- Send an invoice to applicant for payment
- The cost per plate is $21.00
- Checks must be made payable to BMV in the amount indicated by the coordinator of a civic event for each vehicle that displays the civic event license plate
- The authorization form shall be kept in the vehicle. The form is used in lieu of a vehicle registration, however if a vehicle is registered the original registration document must be kept in the vehicle as well.
- A copy of the authorization form must be returned to the Registration Department before the beginning of the event date. The sponsoring organization should also maintain a copy.
What is an Authentic Civic Event Plate?
After a civic event takes place, a person may register a civic event license plate as an authentic civic event license plate.
An authentic civic event plate is not for display purposes only. An authentic civic event plate is not a supplemental plate. An authentic civic event plate functions as a registered plate.
To register a civic event license plate as an authentic civic event plate, the plate must be assigned to a civic event vehicle associated with the civic event indicated on the civic event plate.
Eligible Vehicle Types
Any vehicle used in conjunction with a civic event is eligible to be registered with an authentic civic event license plate.
An Authentic Civic Event License Plate fee is due at time of issuance and annually upon each subsequent renewal.
In addition to this plate fee, vehicles registered with an authentic civic event license plate are subject to a registration fee and the appropriate vehicle, county, and municipal taxes.
Ordering Information
To register an authentic civic event license plate for the first time, please complete the Civic Event Authentic License Plate Affidavit – State Form 56419. Instructions are included on the form.
All subsequent authentic civic event license plate renewals may be processed at a branch or by mail only.