The Indiana Bureau of Motor Vehicles (BMV) is responsible for titling and registering watercraft operated in Indiana. Please use the links in the accordions below to learn more about titles, hull identification numbers, registrations, excise taxes and fees for your watercraft.
What are the Registration Requirements for Watercraft?
All watercraft operating on Indiana waterways must be registered with the BMV and display valid watercraft decals unless otherwise exempt.
To apply for a certificate of registration, you must provide proof of ownership. If you do not have a certificate of title to provide as proof of ownership and the watercraft is not required to be titled, you may complete and affirm ownership on a Watercraft Ownership Affidavit – State Form 55100.
The BMV issues a certificate of registration, a registration number and two decals for each watercraft registration.
- The certificate of registration must accompany the watercraft and be made available for inspection whenever the watercraft is in operation.
- The registration number must be displayed, painted on or attached to each side of the bow of the watercraft so that the number is legible and clearly visible. Indiana registrations number stickers are not provided by the BMV or DNR.
- The decals contain the watercraft's registration number and expiration date and must be affixed either:
- To the bow of each side of the watercraft, within three inches to the right of the watercraft's registration number forward half of the watercraft; or
- On each side of the forward half of the bow above the water line of the watercraft if a registration number is not required to be displayed.
Watercraft registrations must be renewed annually on or before your scheduled expiration date.