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Titles for Watercraft and Non-Traditional Vehicles

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Watercraft Titles

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Watercraft Titles

Indiana Residents

Indiana residents are required to obtain an Indiana certificate of title for all watercraft (unless specifically exempt from registration).

You must apply for a certificate of title within 45 days after the date of purchase or an administrative penalty will be charged.

New Indiana Residents

If you are a new Indiana resident, you must apply for a certificate of title within 60 days of becoming an Indiana resident or an administrative penalty will be charged.

Out-of-State Residents

If you are an out-of-state resident, you must apply for a certificate of title for a watercraft operated, used, stored or docked in Indiana for 60 consecutive days or more during a calendar year (unless specifically exempt from registration).

Changes in Title Exemptions

The following watercraft title exemptions were removed from Indiana law effective July 1, 2016, and a watercraft meeting the following criteria must be titled prior to applying for a registration:

  • Watercraft purchased prior to January 1, 1986.
  • Homemade watercraft.
  • Watercraft valued under $3,000 when new.

Effective January 1, 2021, the following watercraft title exemptions were removed from Indiana law and must be titled prior to applying for a registration:

  • Non-residents of Indiana who own a watercraft that is operated, used, stored, or docked in Indiana for 60 consecutive days or more during a calendar year.
  • Non-motorized sailboats.
  • Watercraft, including non-motorized boats, that are being voluntarily registered.

A person who owns a boat that was exempt from the title requirements before July 1, 2016 or January 1, 2021 is not required to apply for a certificate of title prior to selling the boat. The seller must provide a bill of sale to the purchaser.

Watercraft Title FAQs

Off-Road Vehicle and Snowmobile Titles

The Indiana Bureau of Motor Vehicles (BMV) is responsible for titling and registering off-road vehicles (ORVs) and snowmobiles operated in Indiana. Please use the links in the accordions below to learn more about titles, vehicle identification numbers, registrations, and registration fees for your ORV or snowmobile.

If your current ORV or snowmobile is registered with the Indiana Department of Natural Resources and your registration is lost, destroyed, or needs a change in personal information, visit a BMV branch to apply for a new registration.

ORV and Snowmobile Title FAQs