A: The following list of links is a starting point for accessing the animal-related laws in the state. (This does not include city and county ordinances or federal laws.) Contact an attorney for additional information and specific legal advice.
"IC" refers to the Indiana Code.
"IAC" refers to the Indiana Administrative Code.
SEARCH INSTRUCTIONS: Clicking on the link for the IC or IAC will take you to the PDF document or webpage that the rule is on. Enter the IC or IAC number in the search document window. This will take you to the specific rule you are looking for.
If you know of others that should be added to this list, contact the webmaster with your suggestion at: animalhealth@boah.in.gov
A: Indiana law allows different options for legal disposal. View BOAH's dead animal disposal options at: Dead Animal Disposal.
A: Under state law, dead livestock must be disposed of promptly. Incidents involving livestock should be reported directly to the State Board of Animal Health.
A: Pets and wildlife do not fall under Indiana's dead animal disposal law. Local governments (city/county) may have requirements for disposal of these species. Contact local law enforcement or health authorities.
Manure handling and disposal issues are regulated by the Indiana Department of Environmental Management.
A: First, check local laws and ordinances to see if any apply. Homeowners' associations (HOAs) or landlords may also have restrictions apart of legal requirements.
Dogs, cats and small animals (pets): In general, state law does not restrict the number that may be owned. One exception may apply: If more than 19 sexually unaltered female dogs older than 12 months of age are kept on one property, the site may need to be licensed under Indiana's commercial dog breeder law. For more information: www.in.gov/boah/commercial-dog-breeder-and-broker/
Livestock and poultry species, including horses: The state also does not have per-acre minimums or requirements for large animals. In general, the state does not set limits or require registration on these sites unless a large number of animals are present on the property. The number varies by species. In these cases, the livestock operation may need to register with the Indiana Department of Environmental Management (IDEM). Learn more about IDEM requirements at: www.in.gov/idem/cfo/
Regardless of how many animals are present, any site where cattle, swine, goats, sheep, or cervids are housed must be registered with BOAH and must be assigned a premises identification number (or premID). More information: www.in.gov/boah/traceability-and-premise-id/
A: Neglect and abuse are illegal under Indiana law. For more information, click here.
A: Check local laws and ordinances. The state of Indiana does not have any regulations pertaining to dog or pet waste removal or clean-up.
A: A local government-run animal control agency/organization is not mandated in Indiana. The level and organization of animal control varies widely from county to county. Only about half of Indiana's counties have an organized animal control agency. Some have contractual agreements with local, private organizations or neighboring counties to perform those tasks. Some larger metropolitan areas have city animal control agencies apart from the county system.
A: Puppies coming from or moving to another state must be 8 weeks old or older to travel without their dam. Puppies younger than 8 weeks old must be accompanied by the mother if being imported into or out of Indiana.
Indiana does not have a minimum age requirement for selling puppies within the state of Indiana.
A: First, contact local authorities (animal control, if available, or law enforcement). Cases involving livestock and poultry, including horses, may be reported to BOAH by:
A: Dog treats, bakery goods and other products for consumption are classified as animal feed. Contact the Feed Commissioner in the Office of the State Chemist. Visit their website at: http://www.oisc.purdue.edu/feed/index.html
A: As of July 1, 2024, retail pet stores, animal care facilities, and commercial dog breeders and brokers are required to register with BOAH. If the pet store sells certain exotic animals, the U.S Department of Agriculture may have some regulations. BOAH pet store inspections are limited to verification that the source of dogs and puppies sold meet Indiana state standards. Issues of sanitation and animal care should be directed to local authorities.
A: The State Board of Animal Health has no jurisdiction in these matters. You should contact the Indiana Attorney General's office of Consumer Protection at 800-382-5516 or visit their website at: www.in.gov/attorneygeneral/consumer-protection-division/
A: The State Board of Animal Health does not currently license kennel operations as long as dog breeding is not part of the operation. Check with local officials. Some kennels need a U.S. Department of Agriculture license. If dog-breeding is part of the kennel business, dog breeders who own more than 19 sexually-intact breeding females must register their operation with BOAH. More information is available on the Commercial Dog Breeder and Broker web page.
A: Complaints should be submitted to the Office of the Attorney General. More details are online at the Indiana Board of Veterinary Medicine website.
A: The Indiana State Department of Health has created a guidebook, Community Options for Safe Needle Disposal, to give Hoosiers information on disposing of used sharps, such as needles.
The Indiana State Board of Animal Health does NOT regulate service animals or emotional support animals.
A: The Americans with Disability Act (ADA) defines a service dog as a dog that has been individually trained to perform tasks on cue that assist a person with a disability. The tasks performed by the dog must be directly related to the person's disability.
Service dogs are protected by the ADA, which allows them to be in public places where dogs are not allowed (i.e., grocery stores, restaurants, etc.).
To learn more about service dogs in Indiana visit the Indiana Canine Assistance Network (ICAN) online: www.icandog.org/about-our-dogs/service-dog-laws
A: No. Indiana state laws cover service dogs as defined by the ADA. Emotional support/comfort animals are not recognized under state laws.
A: No. This term is used to describe animals that provide comfort just by being with a person. Because they have not been trained to perform a specific job or task, they do not qualify as service animals under the ADA.
ADA Gov Service Animals |
American Carrier Access Act |
Service Animal Update |
A: The Indiana State Board of Animal Health does not have any regulations for pet cemeteries. If the animals buried are considered livestock, then the guidelines for Dead Animal Disposal would have to be followed. It is recommended to check with the Department of Natural Resources. They regulate human cemeteries, and may have some guidelines or recommendations. Also, check with local/county ordinances because they may have rules on pet cemeteries. If any of the animals are to be cremated you will need to speak with the Indiana Department of Environmental Management.
A: Contact a local commercial pest control service (refer to the Yellow Pages) or for a referral, contact the Indiana Wildlife Conflict Hotline on their website.