CWD Proximity Dashboard
In spring 2024, chronic wasting disease (CWD) was detected in an Indiana deer for the first time. The deer was a hunter-harvested white-tailed deer taken during deer season in LaGrange County. With this detection, many states across the country have imposed restrictions for Indiana farm-raised cervids. The CWD proximity dashboard was developed to allow regulators and herd owners the ability to determine a specific herd’s proximity to known CWD detection(s). This dashboard will be updated quarterly unless new cases are detected.
Lookup CWD Proximity
Cervids include: deer, elk, moose and reindeer.
The Indiana State Board of Animal Health (BOAH) registers and inspects all Chronic Wasting Disease (CWD) susceptible farmed (captive) cervid facilities, regardless of the type of operation -hobby, breeding or hunting. CWD-susceptible species include: white-tailed deer, elk, red deer, sika, Japanese deer, spotted deer, mule deer, reindeer, wapiti, moose and hybrids of these species.
Owners of CWD-susceptible species must comply with the standards for either the registered herd program or the certification herd program.
Disease Information
Reportable Disease List |
Anthrax |
Tuberculosis (TB)
Epizootic Hemorrhagic Disease (EHD)
Chronic Wasting Disease (CWD)CWD is a neurological (brain and nervous system) disease found in deer, elk, and moose. CWD attacks the brains of infected cervids and is always fatal. |
Helpful Links
Deer Hunter Info
Wild Hunted Deer Info
Click on the link above for health and disease information for wild-hunted deer.
Import Requirements for Carcasses, Meat and Other Parts
Click here for entry requirements for cervid carcasses, meat and other parts hunted in another state.
- Click here for information on other states' carcass import regulations.
Movements Out of Indiana
Before moving animals to another state, always call the state-of-destination for that state's requirements. Click here for a list of other state animal health offices.