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Animal Care Facilities

Animal Care Facilities & Rescues

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Information for Animal Care Facility Registration

The Indiana State Board of Animal Health (BOAH) is required to maintain a list of animal care facilities as defined in IC 15-20-4-1. The information provided in this form will be used to identify these facilities/organizations that provide services to Indiana citizens.

It is important that BOAH has current contact information for every shelter/organization in Indiana. IC 15-21 has amended the requirements for registration with BOAH. All animal care facilities currently registered with BOAH must complete a new registration application.

Please click the button below to fill out the Registration for Animal Care Facilities and Animal Rescue Operations.

Animal Care Facility Registration

NOTE: This form is NOT for Commercial Dog Breeder or Broker facilities.

Additional Guidelines

  • An animal care facility includes the following:
    • Animal control center
    • Animal shelter
    • Humane society
    • Any other animal impounding facility that serves the purpose of the humane treatment of animals
  • An animal rescue operation includes a person or organization that accepts during one year:
    • More than 12 dogs
    • Or more than 9 dogs and three unweaned litters of puppies: that are available for adoption as pets or as companion animals in permanent adoptive homes and that are maintained in a private residential dwelling: or uses a system of private residential dwellings as foster homes for dogs
  • After initial registration, animal care facilities and animal rescue operations must register annually with BOAH. A notice of the entity’s registration must be posted in a prominent place of business visible to the public.