Milk produced on dairy farms is transported in bulk quantities to the processing facilities in large-volume trucks that are filled on the farm sites. These trucks are inspected regularly to verify that they are cleaned properly and well-maintained to protect the integrity of the milk as it's shipped.
Haulers, who drive bulk milk trucks, are trained and tested on a regular basis to be sure they know proper cleaning and sanitation protocols, as well as understand how to collect samples properly.
Bulk Milk Route/Truck Permit
- Permits expire annually - December 31 every year
- Who needs this permit?
- Any bulk milk pickup truck/tanker used to transport bulk raw milk for pasteurization from a dairy farm to a milk plant, receiving or transfer station.
- Any bulk milk pickup truck/tanker used to transport bulk milk product to and from dairy processing plants.
- Any truck picking up manufactured grade milk cans for delivery to a manufactured grade processing plant.
Requirements for the Route/Truck Permit
- Submission of application form
- Satisfactory inspection of bulk truck tank and appurtenances by BOAH personnel
Bulk Milk Hauler/Sampler Permit Application
When applying for a bulk hauler sampler permit online make sure that you finish the Sampler Permit Application before proceeding to the exam guide.
Bulk Milk Hauler/Sampler Permit Information
- Permits expire every 2 years in conjunction with the inspection date
- Who needs this permit?
- Anyone who collects samples and may transport raw milk from a farm and/or raw milk products to or from a milk plant, receiving station or transfer station.
- Any industry field representative collecting official raw milk farm samples.
- Any farm personnel collecting raw milk samples from their farm milk supply (i.e. direct load farms, farmstead processors).
Requirements to Be a Milk Hauler
- Submit online application
- Review study materials
- Complete and pass the online exam
- Successfully complete an on-site inspection by BOAH personnel of hauling/sampling procedures
Note: After successful permitting by BOAH, haulers/samplers need to contact the Indiana Creamery License Board to obtain their permit. They may be reached at Creamery License Division, Purdue University;
Milk Hauler Study Materials
- Bulk Milk Haulers: Guide to Basics
- Bulk Hauler Training Presentation
- Pasteurized Milk Ordinance (PMO) (Look at Appendix B)
- Milk Transportation and Bulk Milk Collection (IAC 345 8-2-3.5 and 3-2-4)
- Bulk Milk Hauler Study Guide