What is the US Swine Health Improvement Plan (SHIP)?
The US SHIP is a collaborative effort involving industry, state, and federal partners providing standards for certifying the health status of swine across participating farm sites, supply chains, states, and regions. The US SHIP is a disease status certification program for pork producers and packers for African Swine Fever and Classical Swine Fever. The US SHIP ASF-CSF Monitored certification aims to mitigate risks of disease introduction and provide a practical means for demonstrating evidence of freedom of disease (outside of foreign animal disease control areas) in support of ongoing interstate commerce and a pathway towards the resumption of international trade over the course of a trade impacting disease response and recovery period.
US SHIP establishes a national playbook of technical standards and associated certification recognized across participating states that centers on disease prevention and demonstration of freedom of disease outside of control areas in support of animal health, commerce, and trade. More Information about US SHIP can be found at: https://usswinehealthimprovementplan.com/
Learn How to Enroll Here:
US SHIP is designed to be applicable across the full-spectrum of US pork industry participants from small/show pig farmers to large commercial producers and slaughter facilities.
To participate, participants must enroll, be certified, and maintain certification.
To enroll live swine production and slaughter facility premises:
- Completing an Enrollment Form and acknowledging understanding of and compliance with requirements for certification.
- Single Premises Enrollment Form: https://usswinehealthimprovementplan.com/wp-content/uploads/Single-Premises-US-SHIP-Enrollment-Form-Fillable.pdf
- Multi-Premises Enrollment Form: https://usswinehealthimprovementplan.com/wp-content/uploads/Multi-Premises-US-SHIP-Enrollment-Form-Fillable.pdf
- For multi-site premises enrollment: send electronic list of all premises being enrolled, including PINs, site name and address, site latitude and longitude, premises type, site capacity, owner name and address, owner phone number and email. Contact IN BOAH for a spreadsheet template, if needed.
- Complete US SHIP Biosecurity Enrollment Survey at: https://iastate.qualtrics.com/jfe/form/SV_6A5XQgynILXuLsO
To be certified:
- Indiana BOAH will contact US SHIP participant to initiate certification after receipt of Enrollment Form and Biosecurity Survey.
- US SHIP participants will be asked to demonstrate competency in providing at least 30 days of movement information electronically in a common format (e.g., a prescribed CSV file) to IN BOAH in a timely manner.
- Indiana BOAH will confer certification upon receipt of movement data.
To maintain certification: Participants must meet or exceed the requirements for the US SHIP certification(s) held. The Program Standards can be found here.