Moving Swine Under Indiana's Animal Disease Traceability Rule
Swine should bear only ONE official ear tag per animal, placed in either ear.
- NOTE: In addition to one official ear tag, the animal may bear an approved official tattoo, approved USDA back tag, registered ear notches, and/or GIN.
For swine entry requirements other than identification go to:
What is Official Swine ID in Indiana?
The Indiana State Board of Animal Health (BOAH) recognizes the following forms of identification as official for swine.
NOTE: Some forms are acceptable for exhibition, while others are only for approved commercial group/lot movements. Exhibitors should always contact the show manager to verify what form(s) of ID are acceptable for a specific event.
Forms of ID Approved for Group/Lot Commercial Movements
Important Information About PIN Tags
Beginning Jan. 1, 2015, many major U.S. pork packers and processors began requiring a USDA-approved, official premises identification number (PIN) swine tag on all breeding swine they purchase.
PIN tags are applied to breeding stock prior to going to slaughter as a means to do a post-slaughter trace. Tags are considered official ID, and must not be removed at any point in the life of the animal. Application of the PIN tags is the responsibility of the producer. The number on the tag coincides with the premises ID number of the farm the sow or boar was on prior to harvest. In Indiana, the premID number is issued by the Indiana State Board of Animal Health.
Packers/processors that have announced a PIN tag requirement in all breeding swine include: Johnsonville, Hillshire Brands, Calihan Pork Processors, Bob Evans Farms, Wampler's Farm Sausage, Pine Ridge Farms, Pioneer Packing Co., Pork King Packing, and Abbyland Pork Pack.
Industry-wide Information on PIN Tags
Swine PIN Tags Animal Health Advisory