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Mitch Daniels Early Graduation Scholarship


The Mitch Daniels Early Graduation Scholarship is a one-time $4,000 scholarship for students who graduate from a publicly supported high school at least one year early. The scholarship may be used toward tuition and fees and any remaining funds shall be remitted to the student. This scholarship may not be used for remedial course work.


  • Must be an Indiana resident and a U.S. Citizen or eligible non-citizen
    • Applicants must have had legal settlement (as defined by IC 20-18- 2-11) in Indiana for at least the last two semesters prior to graduating from high school.

  • Must have attended a publicly supported high school on a full-time equivalency basis for at least the last two semesters before the student graduated.
  • Must have been awarded a minimum of a Core 40 high school diploma by the end of grade 11, including any summer course work completed by July 1 of the year of graduation.
  • Must not have been enrolled in a publicly supported high school for any part of a fourth year (grade 12).
  • Must enroll as a full-time, degree-seeking student at an eligible institution not later than the fall semester (or its equivalent, as determined by the Commission) in the academic year immediately following the year in which the student graduates from high school.
  • Must meet any other minimum criteria established by the Commission.


  • Submit a complete and clean FAFSA at 
  • Submit a complete Mitch Daniels Early Graduation Scholarship Application through ScholarTrack.
  • Students will need to a create a Student ScholarTrack Account to complete the application.


  • The deadline for submitting the 2025-2026 Mitch Daniels Early Graduation Scholarship application is August 31, 2025.
  • After the application deadline passes, the Commission will work with the Indiana Department of Education to verify your eligibility for the Scholarship.
  • The Indiana Department of Education uses data reported by your high school to verify your eligibility for the Scholarship. The deadline for your high school to report this data to the Indiana Department of Education is October 30, 2025.
  • During the month of November, the Indiana Commission for Higher Education will notify you and your college of your eligibility for the 2025-2026 Mitch Daniels Early Graduation Scholarship.
  • The 2026-2027 application opens November 1.