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Commission Resolutions

September 14, 2017: Resolution to Strengthen Math Preparation in Indiana

September 14, 2017: Resolution on Transcript Supplements To Document Experiential and Applied Learning

February 11, 2016: Call to Action for Indiana Employers to Join the You Can. Go Back. Initiative

December 10, 2015: Update Commission Policy Regarding Associate Degrees

August 13, 2015: Resolution to Adopt Indiana’s High School Diploma Requirements

December 11, 2014: Resolution Recognizing the Value of Student Servicemembers and Veterans

August 14, 2014: Resolution Encouraging Use of Banded Tuition as a Strategy for Student Success and Completion

June 12, 2014: Directive to Launch Return and Complete Initiative

May 19, 2014: Resolution to Improve the Access and Success of Working Adults

February 13, 2014: Resolution to Recognize Competency and Prior Student Learning

June 13, 2013: Resolution on Indiana Becoming a LEAP State

May 9 2013: Resolution to Redesign Remediation in Indiana

March 14, 2013: Resolution to Close Indiana’s College Completion Achievement Gap