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State Financial Aid - General Information


The Commission for Higher Education is dedicated to making college affordable through need-based financial aid awards and to allow choice by granting awards to those attending public, independent and proprietary colleges. Prior to July 1, 2012, state financial aid was administered by the State Student Assistance Commission of Indiana (SSACI), which merged with the Commission in 2012.

Award notices contain information about a student's eligibility for Indiana state financial aid awards. Eligibility is based on the data disclosed on the student's Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA), the approved tuition and regularly assessed fees at the college the student will be attending, the type of high school diploma the student earned and the number of credit hours the student has successfully completed.

State financial aid awards may be applied only to tuition and regularly assessed fees. The financial aid office of a student's choice institution is also notified of the student's state financial aid status.

Indiana ranks fifth in the nation in the need-based grant aid per undergraduate full-time equivalent enrollment, making higher education more accessible and attainable for more Hoosiers. Indiana has two primary grant programs: The Frank O'Bannon Grant, Indiana's primary need-based financial aid program, and the 21st Century Scholarship, Indiana's early promise program where students sign up in middle school.

Please visit our State Financial Aid - By Program page for more information about Indiana's grant programs.


Any new institution wanting to participate in Indiana state financial aid, must have the following documents and information:

  • Must be title IV eligible and participating in federal financial aid such as the Pell Grant.
  • A federal/FAFSA school code provided by the US Department of Education.
  • The school code must be active and connected to an Indiana address or active residency.
  • A Program Participation Agreement (PPA) must be signed and emailed to


Students who receive state financial aid (Higher Education Award, Freedom of Choice Award, 21st Century Scholarship and Adult Student Grant) for the first time during the 2013-2014 academic year or thereafter will be required to meet certain Credit Completion Requirements to renew state financial aid awards in subsequent years.


Indiana Commission for Higher Education Statutory Authority

ScholarTrack Account

The Commission for Higher Education's self-service tool ScholarTrack is for students who have or plan to apply for state financial aid:

  • View your State financial aid award
  • View your State award history information
  • View your grant application which includes information from your FAFSA, your diploma type, your 21st Century Scholar status, National Guard status and school of choice
  • View any issues with your FAFSA that could prevent you from receiving state aid.
  • Update your school of choice

Visit ScholarTrack and create your account!


In addition to creating State Financial Aid Awards, the Commission promotes awareness of Indiana financial assistance programs through its website, guidance counselor workshops, financial aid nights, college fairs, community forums and other statewide events such as College Goal Sunday. Resources for Students and Families are available by visiting


To be considered a resident of Indiana, you must be domiciled in the state on or before December 31st of the year preceding application for an award and be continuously domiciled in the state thereafter.

  • For a dependent student, the determination of residency status is based on the permanent place of residence of the applicant and the parent(s) of the applicant.
  • For an independent student, the determination of residency status is based on the permanent place of residence of the applicant.


Please review our FAQs for frequently asked questions common terms and definitions. Please Contact Us if you have questions!