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Soldiers' and Sailors' Children's Home


The Commission offers a supplement to other state grants by guaranteeing 100% of tuition and regularly assessed fees for students who are former students and/or graduates of Morton Memorial High School and former residents of the Indiana Soldiers' and Sailors' Children's Home (ISSCH).

The supplemental grant is limited to a maximum of 124 credit hours. There is no time limit to use the allotted 124 credit hours. This benefit may be used as the undergraduate, graduate and professional degree level. Tuition and regularly assessed fees for all students will be paid at the undergraduate rate charged by the institution.

In addition, remission for the cost of course-related books is available, up to $600 per term. The book reimbursement expires when the student exhausts available credit hours.


  • Must be a former student and/or graduate of Morton Memorial High School
  • Must have been admitted to the ISSCH because the person was related to a member of the armed forces of the United States
  • Must be eligible to pay the resident tuition rate at the Eligible Indiana Institution the student will attend
  • Must maintain Satisfactory Academic Progress (SAP) as determined by the institution to remain eligible
  • Must not be in default or overpayment of a student loan or grant to remain eligible
  • Must file the FAFSA annually


  • Submit the Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA) at
  • Submit the Indiana Soldiers' and Sailors' Children's Home Application and all necessary documentation through ScholarTrack for review by the Indiana Department of Veterans' Affairs
  • Students will need to a create a Student ScholarTrack Account to complete the application.

After receipt of the application, the student will be notified by the Indiana Department of Veterans' Affairs in writing regarding their application status. Please direct all questions to the IDVA at:

Indiana Department of Veterans' Affairs
302 W. Washington Street, Rm. E-120
Indianapolis, IN 46204