Ordinances & Resolutions
- Cass County
- Administration
- Commissioners' Office
- Current: Ordinances & Resolutions
2024 Ordinances
- EO 2024-01 Emergency Declaration - Burn Ban
- Ord 24-01: Purchasing Service Contract Policy
- Ord 24-02: Amend health Dept Fees
- Ord 24-03: Amend American Resue Plan Ordinance 22-16
- Ord 24-04: Temporary Truck Restriction - CR 900W to CR 575N
- Ord 24-05: County Propery "No Trespassing" Policy
- Ord 24-06: Amend 911 Dispatch Board
- Ord 24-07: Amend American Rescue Plan Ordinance 2024-03
- Ord 24-08: Amend Incarceration Costs
- Ord 24-09: Amend Provisions of Emergency Management Program
- Ord 24-10: Est. Mobile Home Permit Fee
- Ord 24-13: Amend Conflict of Interest Policy
- Ord 24-14: Amend Zoning for Recreational Vehicle Parks -Campgrounds
- Ord 24-15: Amend Zoning for Solar Energy Conversion System Standards
- Ord 24-16: Amend EMA Program
- Ord 24-17: Amend Zone Map - CR 400 W
- Ord 24-18: Amend Opioid Settlement Fund Allocations
- Ord 24-19: Amend Animal Control Ordinance 22-07
- Ord 24-21: Joint Ordinance Establishing Treasurer Cash Change Drawer
- Ord 24-22: Amend 911 Dispatch Interlocal Agreement
2024 Resolutions
- Res 24-01: County Council Health Insurance Benefits
- Res 24-02: Approving Order of County Plan Commission
- Res 24-03: Transfer of Clinton Township Real Estate
- Res 24-04: Authorizing Logansport Memorial Hospital to sell real estate
- Res 24-05:Multi Hazard Mitigation Plan
- Res. 24-06 Re-Establish Cumulative Fire Fund
- Res 24-07: Comprehensive Economic Development Plan
- Res 24-08: Authorizing Cass County Council On Aging - 2025 Transit Grant Application
- Res. 24-09: ARP Grant Allocation - France Park Bridge
- Res. 24-10: Kayak Revenue
- Res 24-11: Cass County Memorial Hospital Funding
- Res 24-12 Amend Comprehensive Plan
2023 Ordinances
- Ord. 23-01 | Sheriff Deputy Road Work Schedule
- Ord. 23-02 | Public Right-of-Way Occupation Permit Fees
- Ord. 23-03 | Public Roadway Vacate - Canal Street and Alley Georgetown
- Ord. 23-04 | Temporary Truck Traffic Restriction
- Ord. 23-05 | Temporary Truck Traffic Restriction - SR 16 - CR 1000E to CR 1100E
- Ord. 23-06 | Temporary Truck Traffic Restriction - US 35 - CR 300 N to CR 400 N
- Ord. 23-07 | Policy of Body Security Cameras
- Ord. 23-08 | Amend Cell Phone Usage
- Ord. 23-09 | Temporary Truck Traffic Restriction - SR 218 closures SR 29 to 200E (003)
- Ord. 23-10 | Julian Ridlen AIM High Park
- Ord. 23-11 | Opioid Settlement
- Ord. 23-12 | Pretrial Services Case Manager
- Ord. 23-13 | Emergency Declarations and Travel Advisories
- Ord. 23-14 | Amend Traffic Speed Limit - CR 300S 325W 400W 275W
- Ord. 23-15 | Temporary Truck Traffic Restriction - SR 25 - CR 500S 700W 650W 575W 600W 400S 400W
- Ord. 23-16 | Open Burning Regulations
2023 Resolutions
2022 Ordinances
- Ord. 22-01 | Code of Ordinances for Cass County
- Ord. 22-02 | Amend Animal Control Ordinance 2016-08
- Ord. 22-03 | Amend Off-Road Vehicle Restrictions Ordinance 2010-02
- Ord. 22-05 | Establishing Sheriff's Sale Program and Service Fee
- Ord. 22-06 | Alley Vacate - Georgetown
- Ord. 22-07 | Amend Animal Control Ordinance 22-02
- Ord. 22-08 | Amend Countywide Traffic Yield to Stop Sign
- Ord. 22-09 | Amend American Rescue Plan Ordinance 21-08
- Ord. 22-10 | Temporary Truck Traffic Restriction - CR 600 W CR 800 W
- Ord. 22-11 | Amend Emergency Management Advisory Council
- Ord. 22-12 | Permanent Truck Traffic Restriction CR 200S CR 275W
- Ord. 22-13 | Amend Stop Sign Location - CR 300 E CR 150 N
- Ord. 22-14 | Amend Stop Sign Location - CR 325 S CR 800 E
- Ord. 22-15 | Amend Temporary Truck Traffic Restriction Ordinance 22-10
- Ord. 22-16 | Amend American Rescue Plan Ordinance 22-09
- Ord. 22-17 | Public Roadway Vacate - Cover Street - Unger Addition
- Ord. 22-18 | Amend EMA HazMat Fee Schedule
2022 Resolutions
- Res. 22-01 | War Memorial Agreement
- Res. 22-02 | Building Renovations BOT Agreement
- Res. 22-03 | Authorizing Cass Area Transit 2023 Grant Application
- Res. 22-04 | Railroad Crossing Closures - New Waverly Clymers
- Res. 22-05 | READI Grant
- Res. 22-06 | Certificate Tax Sale
- Res. 22-07 | Establishing Property Tax Assessment Board Of Appeals
2021 Ordinances
- Ord. 21-01 | Amend and Establish Inmate Medical Fees
- Ord. 21-02 | Establishing American Rescue Plan Grant Fund
- Ord. 21-03 | Temporary Truck Restriction - CR 600 E CR 500 S
- Ord. 21-04 | Additional Solar Energy Standards
- Ord. 21-05 | Additional Wind Energy Standards
- Ord. 21-06 | Amend Sex or Violent Offender Registration
- Ord. 21-07 | Establishing County Emergency Medical Services
- Ord. 21-08 | Amend American Rescue Plan Ordinance 21-02 (2)
- Ord. 21-09 | Amend Public Defender Ordinance 13-12
- Ord. 21-10 | Authorizing Fees for Emergency Services
- Ord. 21-11 | County Commissioners and Council Districts Amended
2021 Resolutions
- Res. 2021-01 | Local Control of Land Use
- Res. 2021-02 | Public Information Officer
- Res. 2021-03 | Authorizing Cass Area Transit 2022 Grant Application
- Res. 2021-04 | Adoption of Indiana Code Section 5-23
- Res. 2021-05 | Property Tax Certificate Sale
- Res. 2021-06 | Transfer of Surplus Ambulance from Carroll County
- Res. 2021-07 | Economic Development Agreements - Appleseed Solar
- Res. 21-08 | Wabash River Heritage Corridor Commission
Archived Ordinances & Resolutions
- 2020 Ordinances & Resolutions
- 2019 Ordinances & Resolutions
- 2018 Ordinances & Resolutions
- 2017 Ordinances & Resolutions
- 2016 Ordinances & Resolutions Part 1
- 2016 Ordinances & Resolutions Part 2
- 2015 Ordinances & Resolutions Part 1
- 2015 Ordinances & Resolutions Part 2
- 2014 Ordinances & Resolutions
- 2013 Ordinances & Resolutions
- 2012 Ordinances & Resolutions
- 2011 Ordinances & Resolutions