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Justice Reinvestment Advisory Council

Applications Now Closed For JRAC Opioid Award

Scoring Rubric
Final Remediation Uses Settlement Agreement

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Floyd County Justice Reinvestment Advisory Council (FC-JRAC) was created pursuant to Indiana law (IC 33-38-9.5-5) as a local advisory board in 2021 to work with all the local stakeholders to create systems of change through community partnerships and collaborations for individuals impacted by substance use disorders and mental health conditions.  Since its inception, our justice partner agencies have collaborated to provide for:

  • Community based intercept program and re-entry services to help promote public safety and reduce recidivism among those with mental health and addiction challenges.
  • Individualized services planning for individuals in the justice system experiencing effects of addiction, mental health, and trauma.
  • Linkage and referrals to community based supports for addiction, mental health, and  trauma.
  • Collaborative case management services.

Floyd County JRAC is an advisory council combined with Floyd County Community Corrections advisory board, “FCCC-JRAC”.  The council meet publicly at a minimum on a quarterly basis. There are subcommittee meetings monthly.


The mission of the Floyd County Justice Reinvestment Advisory Council (FC-JRAC) is to address treatment and reduction of barriers for criminal justice involved individuals with mental health and substance use disorders at each intercept point in the criminal justice system.  FC-JRAC’s goal of improving the lives of those affected while also reducing crime will be achieved through collaboration and the effective use of evidence-based practices and community resources, both private and public.


The vision of JRAC is that through the coordinated collaboration of local agencies and resources and use of evidence based practices, Floyd County will reduce recidivism that in turn will directly improve our community safety and promote prosperity for all of our citizens.

Contact Information


Chair:  Judge, Carrie K. Stiller, Floyd Superior Court 1           (812) 948-5450

Vice-Chair:  Judge, Justin Brown, Floyd Circuit Court            (812) 945-5455

FCCC and FC-JRAC Advisory Board Eff. 3/19/24

Floyd County Community Corrections and Justice Reinvestment Advisory Council

  • POSITION NAME/Member date
  • Sheriff                                                Steve Bush
  • Mayor   Rep                                      Chief Todd Bailey
  • Judge Circuit                                    Honorable Justin Brown  *Vice Chair
  • Judge Sup 1                                      Honorable Carrie Stiller   *Chair  
  • Judge Sup 3                                      Honorable Maria Granger
  • Judge Sup 2                                      Honorable James Hancock
  • Juvenile Mag Judge                        Magistrate Fessel Flanigan
  • Criminal Defense-Chief PD           Matthew Lorch/2021
  • Director of Fam and Children       Brittany Webster/2021
  • County Fiscal Body                         Denise Konkle/2021
  • Juvenile PO                                       Denise Beckwith/2021
  • Ex-Offender                                      Tiffany Mullinix/2021
  • MH ad/ Physician                            Kelley Stafford/2023
  • FCCC Director                                  Daraius Randelia/2021*
  • Prosecutor rep                                 Elizabeth Stigdon/2023
  • CASA                                                   Courtney Roberts/2023  
  • Medical Doctor                               Dr. Homer Ferree/2024
  • Chief PO                                            Kelly Deuser/2021
  • Educational Admin                          Becky Gardenour/2024
  • Victim Adv                                        Angela Capps/2021
  • Lay Person                                        John Schellenberger/2021
  • Lay Person                                        Nick Vaughn/2023
  • Lay Person                                        Rev Richard Pimpleton/2021
  • Lay Person                                        Charlotte Bass/2023
  • FCCC Assistant Director                 Laura Elliott/2021*
  • Jail Case Manager                           Off. Kara Hodges/2023*
  • Supervisor Probation                    Joe Evinger/2023*
  • Intensive FCCC                               Annie Stocksdale/2023*                Secretary
  • Prob. Veteran Officer                    Jackie Estephan/2023*
  • System of Care                                Ann Carruthers/2023*
  • System of Care                                Amanda Omar/2023*
  • Lay Person                                        Connie Moon/2023*
  • Life Spring                                         Kimberly Pickering
  • NA City Council                                Elaine Murphy/2024*

*JRAC member only (for voting purposes)

Meeting Agendas
