- Howard County
- Departments
- Current: Auditor
For information about paying property tax bills, please contact the Treasurer.
- The auditor serves as a secretary to the board of county commissioners and the clerk to the county council.
- The auditor has responsibility for keeping accounts and issuing checks for the county. As a result, the board of commissioners, the council and other officials often look to the auditor for day-to-day operational assistance, information and advice. Coordinator of Tax Collection and Distribution.
- The auditor is directly responsible for preparing tax duplicates that show the value of property and taxes assessed against each taxpayer. After taxes are collected by the treasurer, the auditor distributes them to the governmental units and agencies for which they were collected.
- As a part of the tax function, the auditor must also prepare plats that show the ownership and assessed valuation of each parcel in each township in the county. The plats must contain information prescribed by the Department of Local Government Finance and must be kept current.
- County “Comptroller”
- In keeping accounts and issuing warrants, the auditor must develop financial analysis and cash flow projections and assist with budget preparations. The auditor is the principal financial officer in county government and is defined under IC 36-2-9-2 as the fiscal officer of the county.
- The county auditor must also prepare and file an annual financial report with the State Board of Accounts.
- Lookup Property and Tax Information
- Tax Sale Information
- Location Budget & Receipt Ledger Reports
- Update or Change Tax Billing Address (PDF | Online)
- Pay Property Tax Bill
- Update Tax Mailing Address
Frequently Asked Questions
- What are some common deductions and savings?
There are many State statute established deductions made available to you, but you must file in order to receive them. These deductions work to lower your tax obligation. They work by reducing the amount of assessed value a taxpayer pays on a given parcel of property. Application for deductions must be completed and dated no later than December 31. Taxpayers do not need to reapply for deductions annually. Reapplication should only occur if the property is sold, the title is changed, or a contract is paid off
Deductions applied for prior to the annual deadlines will be applied to the next year's tax bill. For example: A homeowner who completes and files a deduction by December 31, 2023 will see the deduction applied to his 2023 pay 2024 tax bill.
Please call our office at 765-456-2215 if you think you may be eligible for any of the deductions listed on this page. Calling could save you from having to make multiple trips to file one deduction.- Homestead Deduction (must be an Indiana resident, must be filed on primary residence)
- Supplemental Homestead Deduction (must be an Indiana resident, must be filed on primary residence)
- Over 65 Deduction (income and assessment based)
- Over 65 Circuit Breaker (income and assessment based)
- Blind Deduction (income based)
- Disabled Deduction (income based)
- Disabled Veteran's Deduction (Certificate of Eligibility required from Veteran’s Office)
- Geothermal Deduction (3 step process)
- Heritage Barn
- Where can I find detailed deduction information?
Contact Information
Howard County Administration Center
220 North Main Street
Kokomo, IN 46901
Main - (765) 456-2215
Tax - (765) 456-2216
Finance - (765) 456-2233
Mapping - (765) 456-2229
(765) 456-2259
Monday – Friday
8:00am – 4:00pm