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DNR Projects Bidding Information 2023

Most Department of Natural Resources construction projects are bid through the Department of Administration, Division of Public Works.

As directed by State of Indiana laws and Indiana Department of Administration (IDOA) policy, all entities (“vendors”) conducting business with DNR must be a registered state vendor before we can create a purchase order or make a payment.

This page was developed to distribute project and bid information for projects estimated at $150,000 and above. When downloading from this site, you will NOT be placed on the plan holders list. By downloading files from this site, you agree to check this site for any and all addenda. By submitting a
bid, the bidder acknowledges procurement of all addenda. All times are Eastern. File formats are PDF.

The documents on this page are intended for potential state contractors and contain technical drawings. If you use assistive technology and the format of any material on this page interferes with your ability to access information, please contact the Division of Engineering.


Project name and numberENG2403779005 Garrison Interior Remodel Projects
Notice to bidders, bid date, timeENG2403779005– December 19th, 2023 @ 1:31 PM
Pre-bid meeting date, time, location November 30th, 2023 @ Project Site @ 11:00 AM (EST)
Pre-qualification required 1542.02 Commercial Buildings (Offices, Stores, Restaurants) or 1542.04 Additions, Alterations, Remodeling and Repairs
Project specificationsENG2403779005 - SPECS
Plans ENG2403779005 - PLANS
Meeting minutes, addenda,
clarification requests due
ENG2403779005 - Addendum 1
Other documents 
Unofficial results 
Date entered/last modified December 11, 2023 11:25 a.m.
Project name and numberENG2303730653 Lincoln Amphitheater Parking Lot Improvements
Notice to bidders, bid date, timeENG2303730653 – December 14th 2023 @ 1:31 PM
Pre-bid meeting date, time, location November 27, 2023 @ 10:00 am (EST) at Project Site
Pre-qualification required 1611.02 Asphalt Construction of Roads and Parking Lots or 1794.01 Earthmoving and Land Clearing or 1794.02 Excavation
Project specificationsENG2303730653 - SPECS
Plans ENG2303730653 - PLANS
Meeting minutes, addenda,
clarification requests due
ENG2303730653 - Addendum 1
Other documents 
Unofficial results 
Date entered/last modified December 5, 2023 1:00 p.m.
Project name and numberENG2409635013 - Jackson-Washington Parking Lot Replacement
Notice to bidders, bid date, timeENG2409635013– November 28, 2023 @ 1:31 PM
Pre-bid meeting date, time, location November 13, 2023 at 11:00AM (EST) at Project Site
Pre-qualification required 1611.02 Asphalt Construction of Roads and Parking Lots or 1622.01 Gen Constr-Brdgs, vdcts,
elevd hwys, rlwy, tnls
Project specificationsENG2409635013- SPECS
Plans ENG2409635013 - PLANS
ENG2409635013 - PLANS ADDENDUM 1
Meeting minutes, addenda,
clarification requests due
ENG2409635013 - Addendum 1
ENG2409635013 - Schedule of Values
ENG2409635013 - Special Provisions
Other documents 
Unofficial results 
Date entered/last modified November 21, 2023 3:45 p.m.
Project name and numberDEL2315208539 E008-341 BLACKBURN ROAD GROUTING
Notice to bidders, bid date, timeDEL2315208539 – November 21, 2023 @ 2:31 PM
Pre-bid meeting date, time, location November 1 @ 11am (Indianapolis time) at the project site
Pre-qualification required 1799.06 –1799.13 Mine Grouting (backfilling)
Project specificationsDEL2315208539 - SPECS
Plans DEL2315208539 - PLANS (CAD)
DEL2315208539 - PLANS (PDF)
Meeting minutes, addenda,
clarification requests due
DEL2315208539 - Addendum 1
DEL2315208539 - Addendum 2
DEL2315208539 - Addendum 3
DEL2315208539 - Pre-bid meeting sign in sheet
DEL2315208539 - Pre-bid Meeting Summary 
Other documents 
Unofficial results 
Date entered/last modified November 13, 2023 4:20 p.m.
Project name and numberDEL2415208104 - E008-322 Abandoned Coal Mine Restoration Site 1834
Notice to bidders, bid date, time DEL2415208104 November 21st, 2023 @ 1:31 PM
Pre-bid meeting date, time, location October 25th, 2023 @ 10:00 a.m.(ET)
Located at the Project Site
Pre-qualification required 1799.04 Mine Reclamation
Project specificationsDEL2415208104 - SPECS
Plans DEL2415208104 - PLANS
Meeting minutes, addenda,
clarification requests due
DEL2415208104 - Pre-bid Meeting Summary
DEL2415208104 - Pre-bid meeting sign in sheet
DEL2415208104 - Addendum 1
DEL2415208104 - Clarification 1
Other documents 
Unofficial resultsDEL2415208104 - Bid Tab Results
Date entered/last modified December 1, 2023 4:45 p.m.
Project name and numberENG2303758614 Mississinewa Reservoir, Miami Boat Ramp Replacement
Notice to bidders, bid date, timeENG2303758614 – November 2nd, 2023 @ 1:31 PM
Pre-bid meeting date, time, location October 17th, 2023 @ 10:00 a.m.
Located at the Project Site
Pre-qualification required 1611.01 Concrete Construction of Roads & Curbing, or 1622.01 - Gen Constr-Brdgs, vdcts, elevd hwys, rlwy, tnls
Project specificationsENG2303758614 - SPECS
Plans ENG2303758614 - PLANS
Meeting minutes, addenda,
clarification requests due
Other documents 
Unofficial results 
Date entered/last modified October 26, 2023 1:45 p.m.
Project name and number300DM-07013-04-C1 Cherry Lake Dam Rehabilitation Morgan-Monroe State Forest
Notice to bidders, bid date, time300DM-07013-04-C1– October 18th, 2023 @ 1:31 PM
Pre-bid meeting date, time, location October 5th, 2023 @ 1:30 p.m.
Located at the Project Site
Pre-qualification required 1629.03-Dam and Dike Construction
Project specifications300DM-07013-04-C1 - SPECS
Plans 300DM-07013-04-C1 - PLANS
Meeting minutes, addenda,
clarification requests due
300DM-07013-04-C1 - ADDENDUM
Other documents 
Unofficial results 
Date entered/last modified October 12, 2023 4:10 p.m.
Project name and numberENG2002904496 Goose Pond FWA Maintenance Building
Notice to bidders, bid date, timeENG2002904496– July 11, 2023 @ 1:31 PM
Pre-bid meeting date, time, location June 13, 2023 @ 10:00 am Eastern Time at the Project Site
Pre-qualification required 1541.01 Industrial Plants and Warehouses or 1542.02 Commercial Buildings
Project specificationsENG2002904496- SPECS
Plans ENG2002904496 -PLANS
Meeting minutes, addenda,
clarification requests due
ENG2002904496 - Addendum 1
ENG2002904496 - Addendum 2
Other documents 
Unofficial results 
Date entered/last modified June 28, 2023 5:00 p.m.
Project name and numberENG2202902412 Hovey Lake Fish and Wildlife Area Behind Lake Wetland Restoration REBID
Notice to bidders, bid date, timeENG2202902412 – June 29, 2023 @ 1:31 PM
Pre-bid meeting date, time, location Wednesday, June 14, 11:00am (Central/local time) Hovey Lake Office, 8401 Hwy 69 S, Mt. Vernon, IN 47620
Pre-qualification required 1622.01 Gen Constr-Brdgs, vdcts, elevd hwys, rlwy, tnls, or 1629.03 Dam and Dike Construction, or 1794.01 Earthmoving and Land Clearing, or 1794.02 Excavation, or 1799.22 Wetland, Stream, and Upland Restoration and Mitigation
Project specificationsENG2202902412 - SPECS
Plans ENG2202902412 - PLANS
Meeting minutes, addenda,
clarification requests due
ENG2202902412 - ADDENDUM
Other documents 
Unofficial results 
Date entered/last modified June 20, 2023 1:48 p.m.
Project name and numberENG2002905497 Maintenance Building - Deer Creek FWA
Notice to bidders, bid date, timeENG2002905497 – July 11th, 2023, @ 2:31 PM
Pre-bid meeting date, time, location

June 15, 2023 @ 10:00 am Eastern Time
Location: FWA Office

Pre-qualification required 1541.01 Industrial Plants and Warehouses or 1542.02 Commercial Buildings
Project specificationsENG2002905497 - SPECS
Plans ENG2002905497 - PLANS
Meeting minutes, addenda,
clarification requests due
ENG2002905497 - ADDENDUM 1
ENG2002905497 - ADDENDUM 2
Other documents 
Unofficial results 
Date entered/last modified June 28, 2023 5 p.m.
Project name and numberENG2202902412 - Wetland Restoration Project - Hovey Lake FWA
Notice to bidders, bid date, timeENG2202902412– April 11th, 2023 @ 1:31 PM
Pre-bid meeting date, time, location March 23, 2023 @ 11:00 am (Central/local time) at Hovey Lake Office, 8401 Hwy 69 S, Mt. Vernon, IN 47620
Pre-qualification required 1622.01 Gen Constr-Brdgs, vdcts, elevd hwys, rlwy, tnls, or 1629.03 Dam and Dike Construction, or 1794.01 Earthmoving and Land Clearing, or 1794.02 Excavation, or 1799.22 Wetland, Stream, and Upland Restoration and Mitigation
Project specificationsENG2202902412- SPECS
Plans ENG2202902412 - PLANS
Meeting minutes, addenda,
clarification requests due
ENG2202902412 - ADDENDUM
ENG2202902412 - ADDENDUM 2
Other documents 
Unofficial results 
Date entered/last modified April 5, 2023 9:20 a.m.
Project name and number300DM-72012-06 - Dam Gate Valve Replacement Hardy Lake - REBID
Notice to bidders, bid date, time 300DM-72012-06 – March 30, 2023, 2020 @ 1:31 PM
Pre-bid meeting date, time, location None
Pre-qualification required 1629.03 – Dam and Dike Construction
Project specifications300DM-72012-06 - SPECS
Plans 300DM-72012-06 - PLANS
Meeting minutes, addenda,
clarification requests due
Other documents 
Unofficial results 
Date entered/last modified March 7, 2023 5 p.m.
Project name and numberENG2301638237 - Owen-Putnam Horsemen's Camp Pavement Rehabilitation
Notice to bidders, bid date, timeENG2301638237 – March 23 @ 1:31 PM
Pre-bid meeting date, time, location None
Pre-qualification required 1611.02 Asphalt Construction of Roads and Parking Lots or 1622.01 Gen Constr-Brdgs, vdcts, elevd hwys, rlwy, tnls
Project specificationsENG2301638237 - SPECS
Plans ENG2301638237 - PLANS
Meeting minutes, addenda,
clarification requests due
Other documents 
Unofficial results 
Date entered/last modified February 27, 2023 5 p.m.
Project name and numberENG2301899231 - Crosley Fish & Wildlife Office Parking Lot & Sidewalk Rehabilitation - Jennings County
Notice to bidders, bid date, time ENG2301899231 – March 23, 2023 @ 2:31 PM
Pre-bid meeting date, time, location None
Pre-qualification required 1611.02 or 1622.01 or 1794.01
Project specificationsENG2301899231 - SPECS
Plans ENG2301899231 - PLANS
Meeting minutes, addenda,
clarification requests due
Other documents 
Unofficial results 
Date entered/last modified February 27, 2023 12 p.m.
Project name and number ENG2201872270 Stone Lake Public Access Site Asphalt Paving of Existing Gravel Parking Lot LaPorte County - REBID
Notice to bidders, bid date, time ENG2201872270 – February 7 @ 2:31 PM
Pre-bid meeting date, time, location No Pre-bid scheduled at this time
Pre-qualification required 
Project specificationsENG2201872270 - SPECS
Plans ENG2201872270 - PLANS
Meeting minutes, addenda,
clarification requests due
Other documents 
Unofficial results 
Date entered/last modified January 25, 2023 4 p.m.
Project name and number ENG2301725230 Clifty Falls State Park North Parking Lot Expansion
Notice to bidders, bid date, timeENG2301725230– February 7, 2023 @ 1:31 PM
Pre-bid meeting date, time, location No Pre-bid
Pre-qualification required 1611.02 Asphalt Construction of Roads and Parking Lots or 1622.01 Gen Constr-Brdgs, vdcts, elevd hwys, rlwy, tnls
Project specificationsENG2301725230- SPECS
PlansENG2301725230 - PLANS
Meeting minutes, addenda,
clarification requests due
ENG2301725230 - ADDENDUM
Other documents 
Unofficial resultsENG2301725230 - BID TAB RESULTS
Date entered/last modified February 27, 2023, 12:30 p.m.
Project name and number 300DM-72012-06 DAM Gate Valves Replacement Hardy Lake
Notice to bidders, bid date, time300DM-72012-06 – January 18, 2023 @ 1:01 PM
Pre-bid meeting date, time, location January 4, 2023 @ 10 a.m. Eastern Time
Meet at the Park Office of Hardy Lake State Park located at 4171 E. Harrod Road, Scottsburg, IN 47170
Pre-qualification required 1629.03 – Dam and Dike Construction
Project specifications300DM-72012-06 - SPECS
Plans300DM-72012-06 - PLANS
Meeting minutes, addenda,
clarification requests due
300DM-72012-06 - ADDENDUM
300DM-72012-06 - ADDENDUM #2
Other documents 
Unofficial results 
Date entered/last modified January 11, 2023, 1:30 p.m.
Project name and numberENG2201760232 - Patoka Lake South Ramp Parking Lot Expansion and Resurfacing
Notice to bidders, bid date, timeENG2201760232 - January 24. 2023 @ 1:31 PM
Pre-bid meeting date, time, location January 10, 2023 @ 11:30 a.m.
Located at the Project Site
Pre-qualification required 1611.02 or 1622.01
Project specificationsENG2201760232 - SPECS
PlansENG2201760232 - PLANS
Meeting minutes, addenda,
clarification requests due
ENG2201760232 - ADDENDUM #1
ENG2201760232 - ADDENDUM #2
ENG2201760232 - ADDENDUM #3
Other documents 
Unofficial resultsENG2201760232 - BID TAB RESULTS
Date entered/last modified February 27, 2023, 12:30 p.m. .
Project name and numberDEL2415208140 Abandoned Coal Mine Restoration - ENOS (EAST) REBUILD
Notice to bidders, bid date, timeDEL2415208140 – February 22, 2024 @ 1:31 PM
Pre-bid meeting date, time, location January 30, 2024, at 11:00 AM (ET) at the project
Pre-qualification required 1799.04 Mine Reclamation
Project specificationsDEL2415208140 - SPECS
PlansDEL2415208140  - PLANS
Meeting minutes, addenda,
clarification requests due
Other documents 
Unofficial results 
Date entered/last modified Jan. 30, 2:45 p.m.
Project name and numberENG2403768020 Starve Hollow ADA Improvements
Notice to bidders, bid date, timeENG2403768020  February 22nd, 2024 @ 1:31 PM 
Pre-bid meeting date, time, location February 6, 2024 at 10:30 AM (EST) at Starve Hollow SRA office
Pre-qualification required 1611.02 Asphalt Construction of Roads and Parking Lots or 1622.01 Gen Constr-Brdgs, vdcts, elevd hwys, rlwy, tnls
Project specificationsENG2403768020 - SPECS 
PlansENG2403768020 - PLANS
Meeting minutes, addenda,
clarification requests due
Other documents 
Unofficial results 
Date entered/last modified Jan. 26, 11 a.m.
Project name and numberDEL2415208223 E009-294 UPC Maintenance South - Various Southern Indiana counties
Notice to bidders, bid date, timeDEL2415208223 E009-294 – January 11  2024 @ 2:31 PM
Pre-bid meeting date, time, location None
Pre-qualification required 1799.04 – Mine Reclamation
Project specificationsDEL2415208223 E009-294 - SPECS
PlansDEL2415208223 E009-294 - PLANS
Meeting minutes, addenda,
clarification requests due
DEL2415208223 E009-294 - ADDENDUM 1
Other documents 
Unofficial results 
Date entered/last modified January 5, 3 p.m.
Project name and numberENG2402889284 - Nasby Dam Repairs
Notice to bidders, bid date, timeENG2402889284 – January 23, 2024 @ 1:31 PM
Pre-bid meeting date, time, location January 9, 2024 11:00AM EST at Project Site
Pre-qualification required 1622.01 - Gen Constr-Brdgs, vdcts, elevd hwys, rlwy, tnls. or 1629.03 – Dam and Dike Construction
Project specificationsENG2402889284 - SPECS
PlansENG2402889284 - PLANS
Meeting minutes, addenda,
clarification requests due
ENG2402889284 - ADDENDUM 1
Other documents 
Unofficial results 
Date entered/last modified January 17, 2024, 6 p.m.
Project name and numberDEL2415208222 E009-293 UPC Maintenance North Various Counties IN
Notice to bidders, bid date, timeDEL2415208222 E009-293 – January 11, 2024 @ 1:31 PM 
Pre-bid meeting date, time, location None
Pre-qualification required 1799.04 - Mine Reclamation
Project specificationsDEL2415208222 E009-293 - SPECS
Plans DEL2415208222 E009-293 - PLANS
Meeting minutes, addenda,
clarification requests due
DEL2415208222 E009-293 Addendum 1
DEL2415208222 E009-293 Addendum 2
DEL2415208222 E009-293 Clarification 1
DEL2415208222 E009-293 Clarification 2
Other documents 
Unofficial results 
Date entered/last modified January 10, 2024 4:15 p.m.


Project name and numberENG2403779005 Garrison Interior Remodel Projects
Notice to bidders, bid date, timeENG2403779005– December 19th, 2023 @ 1:31 PM
Pre-bid meeting date, time, location November 30th, 2023 @ Project Site @ 11:00 AM (EST)
Pre-qualification required 1542.02 Commercial Buildings (Offices, Stores, Restaurants) or 1542.04 Additions, Alterations, Remodeling and Repairs
Project specificationsENG2403779005 - SPECS
Plans ENG2403779005 - PLANS
Meeting minutes, addenda,
clarification requests due
ENG2403779005 - Addendum 1
Other documents 
Unofficial results 
Date entered/last modified December 11, 2023 11:25 a.m.
Project name and numberENG2303730653 Lincoln Amphitheater Parking Lot Improvements
Notice to bidders, bid date, timeENG2303730653 – December 14th 2023 @ 1:31 PM
Pre-bid meeting date, time, location November 27, 2023 @ 10:00 am (EST) at Project Site
Pre-qualification required 1611.02 Asphalt Construction of Roads and Parking Lots or 1794.01 Earthmoving and Land Clearing or 1794.02 Excavation
Project specificationsENG2303730653 - SPECS
Plans ENG2303730653 - PLANS
Meeting minutes, addenda,
clarification requests due
ENG2303730653 - Addendum 1
Other documents 
Unofficial results 
Date entered/last modified December 5, 2023 1:00 p.m.
Project name and numberENG2409635013 - Jackson-Washington Parking Lot Replacement
Notice to bidders, bid date, timeENG2409635013– November 28, 2023 @ 1:31 PM
Pre-bid meeting date, time, location November 13, 2023 at 11:00AM (EST) at Project Site
Pre-qualification required 1611.02 Asphalt Construction of Roads and Parking Lots or 1622.01 Gen Constr-Brdgs, vdcts,
elevd hwys, rlwy, tnls
Project specificationsENG2409635013- SPECS
Plans ENG2409635013 - PLANS
ENG2409635013 - PLANS ADDENDUM 1
Meeting minutes, addenda,
clarification requests due
ENG2409635013 - Addendum 1
ENG2409635013 - Schedule of Values
ENG2409635013 - Special Provisions
Other documents 
Unofficial results 
Date entered/last modified November 21, 2023 3:45 p.m.
Project name and numberDEL2315208539 E008-341 BLACKBURN ROAD GROUTING
Notice to bidders, bid date, timeDEL2315208539 – November 21, 2023 @ 2:31 PM
Pre-bid meeting date, time, location November 1 @ 11am (Indianapolis time) at the project site
Pre-qualification required 1799.06 –1799.13 Mine Grouting (backfilling)
Project specificationsDEL2315208539 - SPECS
Plans DEL2315208539 - PLANS (CAD)
DEL2315208539 - PLANS (PDF)
Meeting minutes, addenda,
clarification requests due
DEL2315208539 - Addendum 1
DEL2315208539 - Addendum 2
DEL2315208539 - Addendum 3
DEL2315208539 - Pre-bid meeting sign in sheet
DEL2315208539 - Pre-bid Meeting Summary 
Other documents 
Unofficial results 
Date entered/last modified November 13, 2023 4:20 p.m.
Project name and numberDEL2415208104 - E008-322 Abandoned Coal Mine Restoration Site 1834
Notice to bidders, bid date, time DEL2415208104 November 21st, 2023 @ 1:31 PM
Pre-bid meeting date, time, location October 25th, 2023 @ 10:00 a.m.(ET)
Located at the Project Site
Pre-qualification required 1799.04 Mine Reclamation
Project specificationsDEL2415208104 - SPECS
Plans DEL2415208104 - PLANS
Meeting minutes, addenda,
clarification requests due
DEL2415208104 - Pre-bid Meeting Summary
DEL2415208104 - Pre-bid meeting sign in sheet
DEL2415208104 - Addendum 1
DEL2415208104 - Clarification 1
Other documents 
Unofficial resultsDEL2415208104 - Bid Tab Results
Date entered/last modified December 1, 2023 4:45 p.m.
Project name and numberENG2303758614 Mississinewa Reservoir, Miami Boat Ramp Replacement
Notice to bidders, bid date, timeENG2303758614 – November 2nd, 2023 @ 1:31 PM
Pre-bid meeting date, time, location October 17th, 2023 @ 10:00 a.m.
Located at the Project Site
Pre-qualification required 1611.01 Concrete Construction of Roads & Curbing, or 1622.01 - Gen Constr-Brdgs, vdcts, elevd hwys, rlwy, tnls
Project specificationsENG2303758614 - SPECS
Plans ENG2303758614 - PLANS
Meeting minutes, addenda,
clarification requests due
Other documents 
Unofficial results 
Date entered/last modified October 26, 2023 1:45 p.m.
Project name and number300DM-07013-04-C1 Cherry Lake Dam Rehabilitation Morgan-Monroe State Forest
Notice to bidders, bid date, time300DM-07013-04-C1– October 18th, 2023 @ 1:31 PM
Pre-bid meeting date, time, location October 5th, 2023 @ 1:30 p.m.
Located at the Project Site
Pre-qualification required 1629.03-Dam and Dike Construction
Project specifications300DM-07013-04-C1 - SPECS
Plans 300DM-07013-04-C1 - PLANS
Meeting minutes, addenda,
clarification requests due
300DM-07013-04-C1 - ADDENDUM
Other documents 
Unofficial results 
Date entered/last modified October 12, 2023 4:10 p.m.
Project name and numberENG2002904496 Goose Pond FWA Maintenance Building
Notice to bidders, bid date, timeENG2002904496– July 11, 2023 @ 1:31 PM
Pre-bid meeting date, time, location June 13, 2023 @ 10:00 am Eastern Time at the Project Site
Pre-qualification required 1541.01 Industrial Plants and Warehouses or 1542.02 Commercial Buildings
Project specificationsENG2002904496- SPECS
Plans ENG2002904496 -PLANS
Meeting minutes, addenda,
clarification requests due
ENG2002904496 - Addendum 1
ENG2002904496 - Addendum 2
Other documents 
Unofficial results 
Date entered/last modified June 28, 2023 5:00 p.m.
Project name and numberENG2202902412 Hovey Lake Fish and Wildlife Area Behind Lake Wetland Restoration REBID
Notice to bidders, bid date, timeENG2202902412 – June 29, 2023 @ 1:31 PM
Pre-bid meeting date, time, location Wednesday, June 14, 11:00am (Central/local time) Hovey Lake Office, 8401 Hwy 69 S, Mt. Vernon, IN 47620
Pre-qualification required 1622.01 Gen Constr-Brdgs, vdcts, elevd hwys, rlwy, tnls, or 1629.03 Dam and Dike Construction, or 1794.01 Earthmoving and Land Clearing, or 1794.02 Excavation, or 1799.22 Wetland, Stream, and Upland Restoration and Mitigation
Project specificationsENG2202902412 - SPECS
Plans ENG2202902412 - PLANS
Meeting minutes, addenda,
clarification requests due
ENG2202902412 - ADDENDUM
Other documents 
Unofficial results 
Date entered/last modified June 20, 2023 1:48 p.m.
Project name and numberENG2002905497 Maintenance Building - Deer Creek FWA
Notice to bidders, bid date, timeENG2002905497 – July 11th, 2023, @ 2:31 PM
Pre-bid meeting date, time, location

June 15, 2023 @ 10:00 am Eastern Time
Location: FWA Office

Pre-qualification required 1541.01 Industrial Plants and Warehouses or 1542.02 Commercial Buildings
Project specificationsENG2002905497 - SPECS
Plans ENG2002905497 - PLANS
Meeting minutes, addenda,
clarification requests due
ENG2002905497 - ADDENDUM 1
ENG2002905497 - ADDENDUM 2
Other documents 
Unofficial results 
Date entered/last modified June 28, 2023 5 p.m.
Project name and numberENG2202902412 - Wetland Restoration Project - Hovey Lake FWA
Notice to bidders, bid date, timeENG2202902412– April 11th, 2023 @ 1:31 PM
Pre-bid meeting date, time, location March 23, 2023 @ 11:00 am (Central/local time) at Hovey Lake Office, 8401 Hwy 69 S, Mt. Vernon, IN 47620
Pre-qualification required 1622.01 Gen Constr-Brdgs, vdcts, elevd hwys, rlwy, tnls, or 1629.03 Dam and Dike Construction, or 1794.01 Earthmoving and Land Clearing, or 1794.02 Excavation, or 1799.22 Wetland, Stream, and Upland Restoration and Mitigation
Project specificationsENG2202902412- SPECS
Plans ENG2202902412 - PLANS
Meeting minutes, addenda,
clarification requests due
ENG2202902412 - ADDENDUM
ENG2202902412 - ADDENDUM 2
Other documents 
Unofficial results 
Date entered/last modified April 5, 2023 9:20 a.m.
Project name and number300DM-72012-06 - Dam Gate Valve Replacement Hardy Lake - REBID
Notice to bidders, bid date, time 300DM-72012-06 – March 30, 2023, 2020 @ 1:31 PM
Pre-bid meeting date, time, location None
Pre-qualification required 1629.03 – Dam and Dike Construction
Project specifications300DM-72012-06 - SPECS
Plans 300DM-72012-06 - PLANS
Meeting minutes, addenda,
clarification requests due
Other documents 
Unofficial results 
Date entered/last modified March 7, 2023 5 p.m.
Project name and numberENG2301638237 - Owen-Putnam Horsemen's Camp Pavement Rehabilitation
Notice to bidders, bid date, timeENG2301638237 – March 23 @ 1:31 PM
Pre-bid meeting date, time, location None
Pre-qualification required 1611.02 Asphalt Construction of Roads and Parking Lots or 1622.01 Gen Constr-Brdgs, vdcts, elevd hwys, rlwy, tnls
Project specificationsENG2301638237 - SPECS
Plans ENG2301638237 - PLANS
Meeting minutes, addenda,
clarification requests due
Other documents 
Unofficial results 
Date entered/last modified February 27, 2023 5 p.m.
Project name and numberENG2301899231 - Crosley Fish & Wildlife Office Parking Lot & Sidewalk Rehabilitation - Jennings County
Notice to bidders, bid date, time ENG2301899231 – March 23, 2023 @ 2:31 PM
Pre-bid meeting date, time, location None
Pre-qualification required 1611.02 or 1622.01 or 1794.01
Project specificationsENG2301899231 - SPECS
Plans ENG2301899231 - PLANS
Meeting minutes, addenda,
clarification requests due
Other documents 
Unofficial results 
Date entered/last modified February 27, 2023 12 p.m.
Project name and number ENG2201872270 Stone Lake Public Access Site Asphalt Paving of Existing Gravel Parking Lot LaPorte County - REBID
Notice to bidders, bid date, time ENG2201872270 – February 7 @ 2:31 PM
Pre-bid meeting date, time, location No Pre-bid scheduled at this time
Pre-qualification required 
Project specificationsENG2201872270 - SPECS
Plans ENG2201872270 - PLANS
Meeting minutes, addenda,
clarification requests due
Other documents 
Unofficial results 
Date entered/last modified January 25, 2023 4 p.m.
Project name and number ENG2301725230 Clifty Falls State Park North Parking Lot Expansion
Notice to bidders, bid date, timeENG2301725230– February 7, 2023 @ 1:31 PM
Pre-bid meeting date, time, location No Pre-bid
Pre-qualification required 1611.02 Asphalt Construction of Roads and Parking Lots or 1622.01 Gen Constr-Brdgs, vdcts, elevd hwys, rlwy, tnls
Project specificationsENG2301725230- SPECS
PlansENG2301725230 - PLANS
Meeting minutes, addenda,
clarification requests due
ENG2301725230 - ADDENDUM
Other documents 
Unofficial resultsENG2301725230 - BID TAB RESULTS
Date entered/last modified February 27, 2023, 12:30 p.m.
Project name and number 300DM-72012-06 DAM Gate Valves Replacement Hardy Lake
Notice to bidders, bid date, time300DM-72012-06 – January 18, 2023 @ 1:01 PM
Pre-bid meeting date, time, location January 4, 2023 @ 10 a.m. Eastern Time
Meet at the Park Office of Hardy Lake State Park located at 4171 E. Harrod Road, Scottsburg, IN 47170
Pre-qualification required 1629.03 – Dam and Dike Construction
Project specifications300DM-72012-06 - SPECS
Plans300DM-72012-06 - PLANS
Meeting minutes, addenda,
clarification requests due
300DM-72012-06 - ADDENDUM
300DM-72012-06 - ADDENDUM #2
Other documents 
Unofficial results 
Date entered/last modified January 11, 2023, 1:30 p.m.
Project name and numberENG2201760232 - Patoka Lake South Ramp Parking Lot Expansion and Resurfacing
Notice to bidders, bid date, timeENG2201760232 - January 24. 2023 @ 1:31 PM
Pre-bid meeting date, time, location January 10, 2023 @ 11:30 a.m.
Located at the Project Site
Pre-qualification required 1611.02 or 1622.01
Project specificationsENG2201760232 - SPECS
PlansENG2201760232 - PLANS
Meeting minutes, addenda,
clarification requests due
ENG2201760232 - ADDENDUM #1
ENG2201760232 - ADDENDUM #2
ENG2201760232 - ADDENDUM #3
Other documents 
Unofficial resultsENG2201760232 - BID TAB RESULTS
Date entered/last modified February 27, 2023, 12:30 p.m. .

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