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About Us

Our Mission and Vision

The mission of the Division of Fish & Wildlife is to enrich the quality of life for present and future generations by balancing the biological, ecological, recreational, and economic benefits of Indiana’s fish, wildlife and their habitats.


Indiana statute defines the authority and responsibilities of the DNR Division of Fish & Wildlife:

The [Division of Fish & Wildlife] shall . . . provide for the protection, reproduction, care, management, survival and regulation of wild animal populations regardless of whether the wild animals are present on public or private property . . . [and] Organize and pursue a program of research and management of wild animals that will serve the best interests of the resources and the people of Indiana.

(Indiana Code Title 14, Article 22, Chapter 2, Section 3)


The Indiana Division of Fish & Wildlife:

  • Values biological, ecological, and social sciences for the advancement of conservation while engaging citizens
  • Serves as a bold, creative ambassador for conservation
  • Values the roles of citizens in conservation
  • Fosters a culture of respect, fairness, accountability, transparency, and the application of sound science
  • Nurtures our identity so that citizens understand our mission and how conservation contributes to the quality of life
  • Engages in proactive dialogue to foster trust and transparency

Fish & Wildlife Offices

Office of Public Lands


  • Fish & Wildlife Properties
  • Fish Hatcheries
  • Public Access

Office of Private Lands


  • Private Lands Wildlife Biologists
  • Invasive Species Biologists
  • Environmental Unit Biologists
  • Lake & River Enhancement Biologists

Office of Science and Research


  • Fish Research and Management Biologists
  • Wildlife Research Biologists
  • Fish & Wildlife Health Biologists
  • Biometrician and Data Management
  • Social Science

Office of Planning and Public Engagement


  • Planning and Business
  • Licensing and Permits
  • Public Engagement: Outreach, Education, Volunteering and Citizen Science
  • R3 Programs: Hunting, Fishing, Shooting and Trapping


The mission and values of the Division of Fish & Wildlife provide a foundation for the following targets:

  • An informed citizenry that appreciates fish and wildlife resources and is engaged in conservation
    • Increase trust in the Division of Fish & Wildlife
    • Increase participation in wildlife-based recreation
  • Healthy fish and wildlife populations and their habitats for the people of Indiana
    • Create or improve grassland and pollinator habitat
    • Manage for desirable populations levels of fish and wildlife species
  • Sustainable funding to meet conservation needs of Indiana
  • Passionate, dedicated, and highly skilled staff

History of Fish & Wildlife

Conservation of fish and wildlife resources has a rich history in Indiana that predates the Civil War.

1849 – Greene County passed what is believed to be the state’s first conservation law, making it illegal to poison fish. Eight years later, the state instituted a closed season on the hunting of deer, wild turkey and other game birds. Other laws followed, including protection of songbirds in 1873 and season dates for the hunting of ducks and woodcock in 1877.

1881 – The State Legislature created the Office of Commissioner of Fisheries, the first statewide office tasked with managing Indiana’s fish resources. Jurisdiction was extended to include game animals and birds in 1889.

1889 – Jurisdiction of the Commissioner of Fisheries Office was extended to include game animals and birds.

1901 – Indiana’s first hunting license was established and sold for $1.

1913 – Fishing privileges were added to hunting license; still $1.

1919 – The Department of Conservation (DOC) was created with five divisions, including the Division of Fish & Game. The Division included 39 employees, with a goal to increase hunting opportunities through the purchase of land.

Shortly after the turn of the century, 3,000 conservation clubs in Indiana with a combined membership of more than 300,000 rallied the State Legislature to purchase land for wildlife. Properties such as the Brown County Game Preserve and the Jasper County Game Reservation were the direct results of these efforts.

1965 – The State Legislature passed the Natural Resources Act, creating the Department of Natural Resources. This action put the DOC and its Division of Fish & Game under the DNR umbrella.

1973 – The Nongame and Endangered Species Conservation Act was passed. This authorized the Department of Natural Resources to develop programs to protect and manage rare species in Indiana.

Today, outdoor recreation enthusiasts of all ages enjoy wildlife-based recreational opportunities statewide with:

  • 439 public access sites
  • 12 Fish & Wildlife-operated shooting ranges
  • 164,000 acres managed and open to the public

The quest for additional wildlife habitat is ongoing, thanks to the original efforts of Indiana’s conservation organizations. See how you can help.

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