The Game Bird Habitat Area (GBA) program began in 1985 with the first parcel purchased in Benton County. In the early years, the program consisted primarily of leased farm ground. Throughout the years, the program has transitioned away from land leases and is now 100% state-owned property. There are 33 GBAs that make up the traditional program. These properties are in Benton, Jasper, Newton, Warren, and White counties and total approximately 3,850 acres.
These parcels focus primarily on game birds. They are managed for Northern bobwhite quail, ring-necked pheasants, and mourning doves. Although these species are the primary species in the area, countless other species call these properties home, including badgers, Kirtland’s snakes and Franklin’s ground squirrels, as well as other rare and unusual bird species.
Due to their small size, these parcels are all closed to the public, except for Goose Creek and Pine Creek GBAs. Written permission is needed to access these parcels and is only given for hunting, trapping, volunteering, or research purposes. Goose Creek GBA and Pine Creek GBA are seasonally open to the public for some activities, including bird watching, shed hunting, fishing, and nature hikes.
All hunting rights are administered through preseason draws as outlined below.
Hunting & Trapping Draws
All hunting efforts are awarded through preseason drawings. All hunt draw applications (excluding upland) require a self-addressed stamped envelope being sent to Willow Slough FWA.Hunt information will be returned in the envelope, so please send a standard size (8.5 inch) envelope.
More Activities
The activities listed below are allowed at Pine Creek and Goose Creek GBAs only. Please note that during spring turkey season, no other visitors are allowed on the property until after 1 p.m. ET. Please call the office for dates and any questions.